IMBA家庭日 連結校友與在校同學的跨文化橋梁

IMBA家庭日 連結校友與在校同學的跨文化橋梁

英國倫敦商學院組織行為學教授Herminia Ibarra曾說:「經營人脈網絡如同營養均衡和健身,我們知道該怎麼做,卻很難把它視為首要之務。」為提供政大商學院IMBA大家庭的成員交流互動與經驗分享的平臺, 10月22日在「校長之家」舉辦家庭日活動,邀請校友與在校同學共襄盛舉。為區分校友與在校生,主辦單位刻意安排了紅色和藍色的手環,並貼心準備各種美味點心和破冰小活動:2021年入學的Mickey K. Wongchinda帶來了趣味烹飪課,教現場的大家製作美味可口的香蕉太妃杯、經典法式可麗餅。現場還有歡樂的迷你高爾夫遊戲,贏家獲得來自美國普渡大學和法國ESC商學院的精美紀念品,藉由這些輕鬆的活動,讓與會者們以開放的心情與他人交流。
席間大家談及當初加入IMBA的緣由,現任IMBA學生會長Kyle Craymer(柯能默)表示,這兩年來因為疫情減少人際互動,讓他有更多時間思考、沉澱自己的想法,意識身處瞬息萬變的世界,自己應該要做些什麼,而來到IMBA並成為學生會的一員,讓他有更多的機會與同學們交流,更能體驗如何成為一個領導者,他強調:「IMBA不僅是一個商管學程,更是讓你發現並成長為自己理想中模樣的機會,鼓勵有心想要探索自我成就的人,心動不如馬上行動,立即報名。」

臺灣同學蔡安妍(Anna Tsai)兼顧工作並於兩年順利完成學位,且獲得轉換職涯跑道的機會。她提到IMBA帶來的專業讓她獲得業界肯定,順利跨入不同的領域,尤其與畢業校友的交流,更是當初讓她下定決心報考的原因之一。之後透過校友之間的經驗分享,讓她下定決心轉換跑道,她也鼓勵所有想接觸全球文化並且拓展人脈的人,加入IMBA絕對不會後悔。
校友曾毓(Taro Tseng)分享前往法國頂尖大學之一的法國南特商學院(Audencia Business School)之經歷,她表示IMBA雙聯學位實為難能可貴的機會,只要支付臺灣學費、用兩年時間就能獲得兩個頂尖商學院的碩士學位,不但在經濟層面或時間安排都非常有效率,著實值回票價。而IMBA除了加強專業知識,更讓她有機會體驗跨文化的生活與工作模式,同時培養全球化的視野與思維,拓展職涯發展機會,更上一層樓。

IMBA校友會代表賴俊宇(Jim Lai)強調,校友會的每一個成員都盡力為同學們服務,也歡迎每一位同學踴躍給予回饋,讓校友會知道可以為同學們做什麼,以及如何做的更好。

2023 IMBA Information Session is here, providing a platform to stand out in the post-pandemic era

2023 IMBA Information Session is here, providing a platform to stand out in the post-pandemic era

The strike of the pandemic has risen a brand-new form of working, telecommute, which accelerated the change of recruiting in the international marketplace. Only people with international perspective and interdisciplinary skills could break the limitation of geography, gaining more opportunities. Thus, NCCU IMBA gathered prestigious professors and well-known corporate leaders, aiming not only to provide an English language learning environment, but also provides fertile ground for fostering the mindset and cross-disciplinary skills to remain the IMBAders competitive. The once a year information session was held in Oct. 22nd, attracting perspective students who want to grab the world trend in the post-pandemic era.
Enthusiastic participants took a group pthoto with IMBA lecturers.
The information session begun with the speech delivered by current IMBA director, Jason C.H. Tsai(蔡政憲), who introduced the application process, diverse curricula and excellent teachers. Tsai emphasized that the faculty could advance students not only in domain knowledge, but also broaden their industry experience and develop leadership skills. Tsai believes that it is more likely for students with work experiences to spark inspiration and deeper perspective.
Current IMBA Director, Jasn C.H. Tsai (蔡政憲) introduced the features of the IMBA Program.
In order to let participants know more details about IMBA program, six alumni were invited for experience sharing. Speaking of the diversity in nationality and expertise background, Kyle Craymer(柯能默), current president of Student Council, said that it could be a little challenging at times, but if you go with an open mind, you will learn quite a lot by receiving different viewpoints and grow as a person, too. He wrapped up the motivation to apply for IMBA program by mentioning “Investment in knowledge pays the best interests, you are not just learning, you are investing in your own growth.”
IMBA alumni, Jim Lai (賴俊宇), shared his own experience and answered questions with patience.
The Dual Degree Program partnering with various prestigious schools in Europe and the US is another feature of IMBA program. Students only need to finish the one-year program and are able to join partner graduate schools in the US, France, German, Austria, gaining two master degrees within two years. Wendy Chi (紀佳軒)was invited to share as a Dual Degree student of ESCP Business School, which is the top business school in France. Because of the multinational student profile, she mentioned that she had more opportunities to step out of her comfort zone to approach and interact with European students. She encouraged students to make the most of the resources which are available, “Explore yourself, be dare to dream.” she concluded.

For those who are under incumbency, key to balance among work, life and school work is the most concerned issue. Francis Chang(張凱翔) shared his imbalanced life in the first semester, which he called it the bitter time. However, “working so hard day in and day out with a bunch of students around you gradually built chemicals between you and your classmates.” He believes that those bounds are invaluable. Luckily, after he got accustomed, he started to enjoy such intense but purpose-for process. “The most important gains that I would like to share is every pressure, every challenge actually lies the foundation of becoming the better form of myself.” During his IMBA study period, Chang even attended clubs to contribute to the society. Chang’s successful experience showed that as long as you are determined, it is possible for part-time students to enjoy colorful school life.

The IMBA family day was held by IMBA Alumni Association at NCCU President’s House after the information session, providing perspective students to interact with IMBA alumni and current students for receiving more IMBA information.

The online application period will be open from Nov. 29th, 2022 till Dec. 13th, 2022, 3:00 PM. Those who are willing to increase international engagement and explore more potentials are welcomed to apply. Join NCCU IMBA, stand out from the crowd in the post-pandemic era and get your early bird tickets to grab the world opportunity. For more information, please visit:
The Yuanta Lecture Hall at the College of Commerce was fully-filled with perspective students who were interested in IMBA Program.
掌握疫後混合世界新契機 IMBA招生說明會座無虛席

掌握疫後混合世界新契機 IMBA招生說明會座無虛席


為讓與會者更瞭解實際就讀狀況,本次說明會也特別邀請6位校友經驗分享,其中來自美國的現任IMBA學生會長柯能默(Kyle Craymer)表示,IMBA的特點之一,就是能夠和來自各產業、擁有不同專業背景的同儕相處交流,再加上超過半數的外籍同學,在課堂上宛如小型的跨國企業,又很多機會能夠進行跨文化的交流與價值觀分享,學習接納更多元的觀點。

IMBA另一特點是和歐美多所頂尖名校合作雙聯學位制度,同學們只要在政大完成一年的課程,第二年可以選擇到美國、法國、德國或奧地利等國研究所就讀,兩年獲得兩個頂尖碩士學位。會中也邀請今年剛從法國頂尖大學之一的歐洲高等商學院(ESCP Business School)完成雙聯學位的紀佳軒(Wendy Chi)到場分享經驗,他坦言異國求學期間的生活和學習經驗,以及與世界各地的同學交流,都是相當寶貴的經驗,尤其在該校學習時,除了亞洲人之外,也有更多的機會能讓自己踏出舒適圈,認識來自歐洲各國的學生。
對於在職同學而言,最關心的問題之一,就是要如何兼顧工作、生活與課業,因此說明會也特別邀請兩位在職校友分享經驗。校友張凱翔(Francis Chang)表示,自己除了工作和家庭生活,加入IMBA後又多了「學生」的身分,剛開始的確很累,且一度自我懷疑,但一旦掌握了時間管理的訣竅並適應後,在課堂獲得的寶貴經驗和同學們的友誼,都是無可取代的,在IMBA期間他也不錯過各種體驗活動,甚至還加入社團和同學們一起回饋社會,顯見只要有心,即便是在職人士也能體驗豐富的在學生活。

主辦單位特別於說明會在校長之家安排校友茶會,讓有興趣的參與者能有機會和學長姊交流互動,獲得更多經驗分享。政大IMBA 2023學年度報名申請將於今(2022)年11月29日到12月13日下午5時截止,歡迎各位有意挑戰自我、提升能力與視野的人,可以把握機會提早開始準備,和IMBA一起在臺灣體驗全世界。
校友賴俊宇(Jim Lai)分享自身經歷,詳細解說並耐心回答相關問題。
IMBA Family Day is here, connecting alumni and students for stronger network

IMBA Family Day is here, connecting alumni and students for stronger network

“Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority.” —Herminia Ibarra, professor of Organizational Behavior and chair in London Business School. It is the annual IMBA Family Day that brings alumni and students together, providing both of them a platform to expand network. The event this year took place at President’s House (校長之家) on Saturday, October 22nd, the participants are so enthusiastic that the venue was packed with laughter and joy.
The IMBA family photo at the yard of the President’s House.
The Family Day aims to provide IMBA families with opportunities to network and exchange experiences in either work, life, and kids raising in Taiwan. In order to distinguish between alumni and students more easily, alumni are required to wear red wristbands while students wear the blue one. In spite of the division, both of them get along well and had a great time sharing and chatting on various topics. The considerate Alumni Association and Student Council also offer snacks and a few icebreakers. Take the fun cooking lesson held by one of the 2021-entered student, Mickey K. Wongchinda (黃金達) for example, participants had great fun getting closer with each other while making the delicious Banoffee cup and Classic French crêpe together. Moreover, mini golf game is available as well, participants could get attractive souvenirs from partnership schools including Purdue University, ESCP Business School, to name a few.
Participants joined the fun cooking lesson, showing their handmade classic French crêpe.
Speaking of the reason of applying IMBA, Kyle Craymer (柯能默) , the current president of Student Council said that being quarantined for like two years gave him a lot of time to reflect on what he wanted to do with his life especially in this changing world. He also mentioned that being a part of the student council helped him grow in terms of what it means to be an actual leader in a position of power. Because of the many social activities IMBA provided, he has more opportunities to connect with fellow students. “IMBA is more than just a business program, it is also a program that allows you to grow as a person. If you are interested in this program, definitely apply!”
Board member from the Alumni Association, Jim Lai (賴俊宇), emphasized that every director try hard to serve all the students to the most extent.
Anna Tsai (蔡安妍) , who earned the IMBA degree in two years and got a chance to change career path afterwards. “This program helped me to enter different industry, because companies thought that I am already certified to join them” she mentioned. Tsai also pointed out the importance of networking with the alumni, their experiences not only convinced her to join the IMBA program, their vision in IT industry also persuaded her to join the electronic component industry. “It is the choice you might not regret, if you want to expose yourself to the global culture and want to enhance your networking.” Tsai concluded.

Taro Tseng (曾毓) shared her experience as a alumnus who earned dual degree from Audencia Business School, one of the top business school in France. The Dual Degree program provided her the opportunity to study abroad with high price-performance ratio because she only needed to pay the tuition in Taiwan to reach both her life and career goal. Perusing IMBA not only gave her a big picture of how the business world is operated, she also had chances to overcome different culture and the life and work balance mindset for example. “If you have the opportunity to work with people from different culture, you can think in a more global way. I really appreciate the chance that improved my business knowledge and made me more advanced in my career!”

Building a solid link between alumni and students with cross-section interactive events is one of the guiding principles of IMBA. It is no doubt that the activity has already created a powerful bond between the participants which prepares them with competitiveness to catch up to the rapidly changing international marketplace.
The considerate Alumni Association and Student Council offered tasty snacks for participants to enjoy.
商學院姊妹校博覽會重磅回歸 帶你跨國探索各校文化

商學院姊妹校博覽會重磅回歸 帶你跨國探索各校文化

由政大商學院國際事務辦公室(OIP)舉辦的商學院姊妹校博覽會「2022:Partner School Fair」,於10月18日下午在商學院1F大廳盛大登場。44位來自17國的交換生,於現場攤位展示母國及母校的文化特色,親切熱情地向政大同學介紹母校的地理環境、歷史文化以及生活資訊,為所有嚮往國際交換生活或有計畫出國的學生排疑解惑,提前認識各國姊妹校。

來自新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore)的李詩惠(Angela Lee),分享母校和政大的異同之處,她認為新加坡的學校生態和臺灣非常相像,而且語言和文化也有許多共通點,因此交換生應該可以很快適應。不過李詩惠也提醒,新加坡學校相當注重課堂「發言和分享」,交換生們可以在課堂中踴躍參與討論。

就讀巴西聖保羅企業管理學院(FGV-EAESP)的何霏霏(Sophia Hess)興奮地表示,她的母校在南美享有極高知名度,許多企業會定期舉辦「Company Fair」來招募在校人才,因此大多數同學於畢業前夕就能獲得理想工作。此外何霏霏也指出母校和政大商學院一樣十分重視跨校合作,所以在那裡讀書也不乏有許多與他校交流的體驗!
參觀博覽會的資碩二張少綺表示,自己已經申請到葡萄牙天主教大學(CATÓLICA-LISBON School of Business and Economics)交換,該校位於交通發達的市中心,絕佳的地理位置優勢,讓人在陌生的異國免去迷失方向的風險,加上葡萄牙物價相對低,生活費壓力也較小。到歐洲學校交換的另一大好處,就是可以藉地利之便走訪其他國家,像是自己就很想到捷克旅遊。
2022 NCCUC Partner School Fair is back, building a bridge to 142 prestigious commercial schools overseas

2022 NCCUC Partner School Fair is back, building a bridge to 142 prestigious commercial schools overseas

Taken on students’ strong aspirations, the highly expected NCCU College of Commerce (NCCUC) Partner School Fair was back again on 18th October thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the international students and the help from the Office of International Programs (OIP). On this special day, exchange students from 17 countries and 25 different universities gathered together under colorful national flags in the Commerce building and are ready to introduce their universities and culture. The venue was fully occupied by local students who were interested or ready to go on an exchange program. The fair provided thorough information of the partner schools with brochures and a bridge connecting local students with the representatives.

Representatives from the partner schools lined up in front of the Commerce Building and are ready to share and solve the questions from local students with enthusiasm.

The opportunity to study abroad is definitely one of the precious benefits to NCCUC students. Due to the swept of covid-19, the annual fair has been canceled for two years. However, with the epidemic slowdown, 408 quotas are provided for qualified students this year. The partnerships with 142 celebrated business schools from 42 different countries provide the students with ultimate educational and networking prospects. Both numbers are increasing annually. University such as the Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands), the ESADE Business School (Spain), the SDA Bocconi School of Management (Italy), the University of Mannheim (Germany), York University (Canada), Waseda University (Japan), National Singapore University (Singapore), Tsinghua University (China), and Peking University (China) could be chosen. The mission of the Exchange Programs is to broaden students’ horizon and build up deeper connection into the global business marketplace with competitiveness.
Representatives from partner schools and local students both have a great time sharing.
All booths were well equipped with flyers and brochures. Some representatives even set up laptops showing videos or photos to provide local students with a clear picture of the respective universities. “The biggest benefit of studying in University of Amsterdam is that it is very international.” he shared. “More people speak English than Dutch, if you speak English, you can get anywhere in the city.” Gijs Bouma (馬吉恩) from University of Amsterdam Faculty of Economics and Business kicks away student’s concerns of language barrier.

Speaking of living expenses, Elin Bratt (李函凌) from Stockholm School of Economics said that the food is twice as expensive as that in Taiwan and the housing cost is quite high. However, welfare in Sweden is advanced and the transport system is well-developed. Moreover, International Business Program in Stockholm School of Economics is one of the best while Accounting, Business Management, and Economics are other prestige master programs.
Exchange students from the most renowned business school in the Netherlands, “Rotterdam School of Management”, and the world’s TOP100 colleges, “University of Amsterdam”, made up a “Dutch Team” to share the characteristics and unique student activites of their schools.
It is no doubt that all represents are from the best school from their hometown. Sophia Hess(何霏霏), a student from Brazil who studies Business/Public Administration from FGV EAESP located in Brazil not only shared many similarities and differences between Taiwan and Brazil, but also introduced her university to us. Take expenses for example, food prices are much higher in São Paulo than that in Taiwan, however, other costs like clothing and traveling are almost the same. Speaking of her university, FGV EAESP, she mentioned that it is the first foundation for business and public administration in Latin America, which makes it the best and the most prestigious one there. Besides, in Brazil, we love international people.”

When it comes to transportation, Anton Carpenter (賈安東) from Aalto university (Finland) said that the transportation is very convenient and fast in Finland. He also shared about the very special course system where they get intense lesson every day for a specific course and after three weeks, they move on to the next course. “The system is very different here in NCCU where you have more subjects at the same time at a slower pace.” Anton Carpenter mentioned.

On the other hand, CHEN, LU-XIANG (陳律翔) from Department of Statistics shared that he is going to Belgium, although there is no booth from Belgium this time, he made acquaintance with the representative of France and had a nice chat about his favorite sport, football. What’s more, Chen even met his Buddy Program partner from Netherlands.

Through this invaluable opportunity to interact with exchange students in person, College of Commerce students get a clearer picture of their desired university and their concerns and doubt of studying abroad was swept away, preparing themselves with strengthened competitiveness to stand well in the internationalize marketplace.
There are exquisite catalogs and brochures placed at each booth so that students can get the tips of applying for the sister schools and other first-hand information in advance.