政大商學院辦專業成長工作坊 邀教師共同精進EMI教學技巧
【商學院訊】國立政治大學商學院參與式教學與研究發展辦公室與商學院ETP/EMI Program辦公室於12月19日共同合辦教師專業成長工作坊,以「掌握EMI教學精髓」為題,特地邀請多次獲得商學院教學特優獎,與本校學士班英文專業績優課程獎的企管系曹銀愛老師以及許育瑋老師蒞臨,以他們的自身經歷,分享作為新進老師應如何準備英語教學,期許透過他們的教學經驗,將優良的教學知能與技巧有效傳承。建構一致性教學模板...
NCCU Beta Gamma Sigma Induction Ceremony Honors Excellence and Inspires Future Business Leaders
On December 27, 2024, the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) NCCU Chapter hosted its 2024 Induction Ceremony at the I-Yu Hall on the sixth floor of the College of Commerce at National Chengchi University (NCCU). The event marked a significant milestone for the inductees,...
2024年12月27日國際商學榮譽學會(Beta Gamma Sigma,...
Welcome to NCCU: Delegation from National University of Singapore Visits the College of Commerce at National Chengchi University
The College of Commerce at National Chengchi University (NCCUC) had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from its esteemed partner institution, the National University of Singapore, for an immersive and enriching visit on Monday November 18, 2024. Hosted at the...
A Gateway to Excellence: IMBA Information Session
Embarking on a new academic journey can be both exciting and daunting, and for those considering an International Master of Business Administration program, the admissions process can be a crucial first step. The IMBA Information Session, held on Saturday, November...
商學院 ETP 校友分享會 鼓勵同學善用在學資源踏出舒適圈
為幫助同學開拓未來職涯發展的多元想像,商學院英語商管專班(English Taught Program,以下簡稱ETP)每年都會邀請不同領域的校友,回校分享在學期間的經歷與職涯發展心得,本學期的「ETP同樂會-校友回娘家分享」活動,邀請到三位傑出學姊分享自己的心路歷程,他們於在學期間勇於踏出舒適圈,累積了多元的海外學習與企業實習經驗,也鼓勵學弟妹們善用商學院以及ETP的資源,及早規劃學習藍圖,多方嘗試才能找到。...
NCCUC’s 2024 Partner School Fair Ignites Global Academic Adventures!
The lobby of the Commerce Building in National Chengchi University campus was radiating with international fervor on October 16th, 2024, as the annual Partner School Fair unfolded. This highly anticipated event provided a platform for foreign exchange students to...
霍特獎系列工作坊正式展開 激發學生創新創業潛力
政大IMBA 迎新 13國新生相見歡迎向嶄新挑戰
隨著新學期的開始,政大IMBA來自13國共42位的新生們也於9月1日齊聚商學院,這次的新生訓練除了讓新生們相見歡之外,還邀請了師長、行政團隊、學長姐乃至於校友進行經驗分享和傳承,就是希望新生們對於接下來的兩年課程和校園生活,有更多的認識並做好萬全準備。IMBA學程主任蔡政憲(Professor Jason...