商學院獲國際商學榮譽學會BGS Honors Chapter殊榮

商學院獲國際商學榮譽學會BGS Honors Chapter殊榮

國際商學榮譽學會Beta Gamma Sigma, International Honor Society(BGS)學會成立於1907年,是AACSB認可的國際學術榮譽團體,旨在鼓勵表揚傑出的商學學生,以及商界有傑出成就的人士。目前會員人數已超過五十萬人,遍及世界一百七十多個國家,是全球最大之商學榮譽學會。只有通過AACSB認證的學校才有成立分會的資格。

本校商學院於2006年獲得AACSB認證,並於2008年11月經由BGS總會認證成立政大分會。本院非常榮幸於今(2022)年9月接到BGS總會通知,獲評選為2021-2022年榮譽分會(Honors Chapter)。該奬項意味著本院將有資格提名、鼓勵候選人參加一些最負盛名的全球獎項──有關獎項提名的消息將在10月陸續發布。
值得一提的是,根據BGS總會規定,必須是大學學業總成績達班級前10 %,或研究所學業成績達班級前20 %的學生,才會被邀請加入BGS會員。成為該會會員不但能得到終生的認可,且該組織每年舉行數次學生國際會議或專家演講活動,提供會員擴展國際視野或專業智能之機會。因此成為BGS一員不只是榮譽的表徵,也是提升自我競爭力的管道。
商學院秋季交換生迎新圓滿落幕 疫後聚首更顯珍貴

商學院秋季交換生迎新圓滿落幕 疫後聚首更顯珍貴

為迎接來自17國共44位的國際交換生,並協助他們更適應臺灣的生活,本校商學院於中秋節前夕以線上加線下的混合(Hybrid)模式,舉辦了睽違兩年的交換生迎新活動,來自世界各地優秀姊妹校,包含新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore, NUS)、荷蘭鹿特丹管理學院(Rotterdam School of Management, RSM)、法國諾曼第高等商學院(EM Normandie)以及德國漢堡大學(Universität Hamburg)等交換生,歷經兩年等待,都難掩興奮之情,也格外珍惜這次的實體交換機會。

受到COVID-19疫情影響,本院與姊妹校的國際交流活動,自 2020年後幾近停擺兩年,同時也打亂了許多同學們的交換計畫,如今隨著疫情趨緩及國境放寬,校際間的交流活動也逐漸恢復常軌。
本院國際事務副院長尚孝純於活動致開幕詞時表示,歡迎來自世界各地的同學們來到臺灣,親自體驗寶島人情以及政大之美,在疫情過後能有這樣面對面交流的機會,格外感動,也期許同學們能夠敞開心胸,接受各種文化刺激與挑戰。緊接著在本院國際事務大使(International Programs Ambassador, IPA)帶領下,臺灣學伴以及交換生們透過有趣的破冰遊戲,快速地打破僵局熟悉彼此。大使們也貼心安排了關於臺灣和本院的介紹,以及外籍同學們在臺灣學習和交換的小提醒,盼能幫助交換生們緩和初到異地的緊張情緒,讓他們對於臺灣乃至於校園生活有更多了解和期待。在解說後更有校園導覽活動,帶領交換生實地走訪學校各角落,一覽指南山下的校園風光。活動結束後,交換生紛紛表示很開心能參加實體的迎新活動,會後也延續活動中建立的友誼,一同用餐交流,現場氣氛甚是熱鬧。
來自德國漢堡大學的韓瑟娜(Celina Hanoldt) 表示,在來臺灣之前已經學了一陣子中文,兩年前就申請來臺灣交換,無奈因疫情攪局只能暫緩,即使兩年後已從大學畢業踏入研究所,仍不忘來臺交換夢想,很高興今年終於得償所願,在聽完迎新活動介紹後,最想一探太魯閣國家公園的壯觀景色,同時也迫不及待加入各種社團,例如登山社、潛水社,體驗多采多姿的校園生活,展開嶄新的交換旅程。

來自法國諾曼第高等商學院的畢艾瑪(Emma Berault)則分享,因為母親是日本人的關係,一直想要來亞洲國家交換,同時也對臺灣的傳統小吃充滿興趣。活動前幾天去了饒河夜市及信義區,感受到便利的臺北交通,接下來也很期待可以走訪臺北近郊如九份老街等知名景點。
國際事務大使羅以耀(Chris Lo)將臺灣的美和本校優秀事物分享給遠道而來的外國朋友,交換生們在過程中踴躍交流互動。

IMBA校友會Hybrid相聚 暢談疫情對各國產業及生活影響

IMBA校友會Hybrid相聚 暢談疫情對各國產業及生活影響

不確定性影響未來投資 數位商機露曙光

校友高紀光(George Kao)帶來上海全城封管時期的第一手狀況,他表示在超過兩個月的封管期間,居民僅能在做核酸檢測時出門,食物則依靠政府配發以及團購,在初期的確造成部分混亂。而最讓其他校友好奇的是,此次封管是否會動搖到上海的國際政經地位,高紀光認為,中國政府對於危機處理帶來的不確定性,的確會影響投資意願,不過他也觀察到,後疫情時代衍生出的各種遠端與數位商機,也應運而生有機會蓬勃發展。

儘管遠端的商業模式銳不可擋,但也有人持保留態度,任職於台達電負責網路產品的校友李婷婷(Grace Lee)認為,儘管虛擬會議已成趨勢,但人與人之間的直接的互動在商業合作上仍然是不可或缺的一部分,尤其在新事業發展初期,面對面的人際互動的確有助想法更快速的推展。
最快樂的國度 墨西哥防疫政策寬鬆

墨西哥校友侯德桓(Jorge Sanchez Chavez)也分享該國與世界大相逕庭的防疫政策,不但沒有祭出嚴格防疫措施,亦未對入境實施管制,讓在場的其他校友都大為吃驚,侯德桓說到,墨西哥人是世界上最快樂的一群,生性樂觀的他們對於疫情採順其自然的態度,國人疫苗施打意願也不高。隨著全球逐漸擺脫疫情陰霾,墨西哥也是拉丁美洲經濟成長能量爆發的國家,相當歡迎各位實際造訪體驗,侯德桓也非常樂意當地陪。


菲律賓校友許心怡(Jovilyn Sy Cotio)表示,在疫情最嚴峻的時候,因為無法出門僅能依靠家中既有的食物生活,在短短的兩周內就瘦了12公斤,而在過去600多天的疫情期間,也僅出門30幾次,足不出戶的日子,對於熱愛旅遊的她而言,內心煎熬可想而知。此外長期的居家辦公,讓人們無法明確區隔工作與生活的場域,如果無法妥善安排,的確會造成混亂。泰國校友陳央凝(Namp Nakayoshi)則提到家人在自己婚禮上紛紛確診,而她為了出國蜜月,先後接種了四劑疫苗也是相當特別的經驗。談到疫情期間的健康照護,從事健康產業的校友張熙嫻(Winny Chang)也提醒大家,疫情期間建議多攝取他命C、維他命D、微量元素鋅以及益生菌,增強身體免疫。

線上+線下 Hybrid聚會促進全球校友聯繫

本次聚會主持人馬睿德(Raedeep Khan)表示,儘管疫情造成了地理位置移動的阻礙,但這種線上結合線下的聚會也成為另外一種機會,讓世界各地的人們可以互相交流彼此近況,促進大家的連結並增進感情。本次共同與會的何富年表示,疫情雖然打亂了大家的生活,但是透過Hybrid聚會,讓位於不同國家的校友們以另外一種形式於線上相聚,也希望未來能透過類似的聚會,讓校友之間的交流更緊密,同時促進校友會之蓬勃發展。
商學院首度推出全球創新挑戰先鋒學程  掌握數位亞洲先機

商學院首度推出全球創新挑戰先鋒學程  掌握數位亞洲先機



在所有學程參與者自我介紹與破冰後,來自本院的國際學生大使舉辦了World Café session,並於會中針對近期各界熱議的主題進行討論,包含智慧城市應用、數位行銷與社群媒體、區塊鏈、投資管理以及創造力、創新與企業家精神等主題進行小組討論。來自德國曼漢姆大學的學生Tushna Vevaina於創造力、創新與企業家精神的討論中分享,數位化和全球化為創新想法和解決方案帶來全新的變革,相信在這樣的市場趨勢下,未來將由更具備創意的Z世代主導整個市場。同樣來自德國曼漢姆大學的學生Felix Stalla則於數位行銷與社群媒體的討論中分享,數位行銷以及社群媒體無時無刻影響著每個人的日常生活,舉例而言,如果在很餓的時候看到某食品公司的廣告,則受眾會有更大的誘因去購買該公司的產品。
【2022 Global Innovation Challenge】NCCUC Hosts Online English Summer Program ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’

【2022 Global Innovation Challenge】NCCUC Hosts Online English Summer Program ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’

After several months of careful preparations, NCCUC’s 2022 Global Innovation Challenge pioneer program has officially kicked off. The two-week intensive online course titled ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’ will run from 20th June to 1st July. It is an exciting impact-driven program with an international learning environment aiming to provide participants with unique and up-to-date knowledge of the dynamic Asian business arena cultivating responsible leaders of tomorrow.
GIC opening group photo.
The program features a well-curated roster of theoretical lectures and seminars taught by various highly experienced faculty from NCCUC supplemented with practical case studies, hands-on experiences, guest speakers, and virtual company visits by notable industry professionals. Professor Sonia Lo, GIC Program Director, quotes, “To bring forth the critical role Asia has played in the digital era and the impacts, the course contents will allow students to leave this program with broadened views and well-equipped with the skills to analyze and develop strategies and solutions in the modern business world that is rapidly evolving due to the digital age.”
Participants of the GIC Program learning about the stock market index from Professor Douglas Chung.
The Global Innovation Challenge itself is an alliance of eight internationally accredited top business schools worldwide. Moreso, NCCUC is delighted to be the sole alliance member based in Asia. These eight schools, who are long-standing partners, have come together combining our expertise to create student mobility and to provide programs focused on cross-cultural collaborations and courses that aim to strengthen student’s global education and innovativeness. Each program offered by each school are fully taught in English and joined by master’s students of these eight partner schools orchestrating the international learning environment.
Professor Lee Hsiao-Hui Lecture on Supply Chain Analytics.
To welcome these students, the opening ceremony was hosted on Monday, June 20th, Taipei Time. The ceremony and program were joined by students from across the globe from our eight partner schools within the Global Innovation Challenge alliance. It was an excellent feat for some as the program is based in Taipei Time, with students joining in from Europe and South Africa, where the time difference had them online in the early mornings.

Our very own NCCUC International Program Ambassadors were hosts of the ceremony. They opened the session by welcoming Associate Dean Professor Shari Shang. She blissfully gave a short welcome message to the students expressing, “It is quite a pity that students are unable to join the program in person on campus in Taiwan; however, NCCUC has committed to providing specialized program coordinators and a seamless learning environment to ensure an impactful experience nonetheless. Despite this, we hope this program proves to be rewarding and students are able to visit our NCCUC campus nestled in the scenic foothills of the Zhi-nan Mountains of suburban Taipei City in the near future.”

After Professor Shang’s welcome, Freshman and Sophomore representatives of the International Program Ambassadors shared fruitful presentations giving in-essence a virtual tour of Taiwan and about NCCU and NCCUC. Despite the program being 100% virtual, participants were still able to receive a glimpse of the School’s campus and features together with the beauty that is Taiwan. Student Jacobus Smith, from University of Stellenbosch Business School, greatly appreciated the presentations as he hopes he is able to visit NCCUC and Taiwan one day.

Next off, program participants had the opportunity to give self-introductions in order to get to know each other a bit better. Furthermore, Junior and Senior International Program Ambassadors hosted a World Café session of various group discussions on the topics of Smart City Applications, Digital Marketing & Social Media, Blockchain, Investment Management, and Creativity, Innovation, & Entrepreneurship. When discussing on the topic of ‘Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship’, student Tushna Vevaina from University of Mannheim shared that “Digitalization and globalization has opened convenient access to more ideas and solutions changing the types of innovations there are with larger markets focused on Gen Z expressing their creativity with digital means”. Student Felix Stalla, also from University of Mannheim, shared regarding the topic of ‘Digital Marketing & Social Media’ that “The influence of these content and platforms can be seen in everyday life. For example, depending on my mood, if there is an aggressive form of advertising while I am in a dampened mood I will feel adverse to it. However, if I am currently hungry and see an aggressive advertisement from a food seller I will be inclined to purchase from them”. These discussions served as an ice-breaker for students to meet each other more intimately and get a glimpse into the topics that will be covered in the two-week program.

Finally, the opening ceremony ended with GIC Program Director, Professor Sonia Lo, giving the participants a brief overview and highlighting what is to be expected from the program and the important themes related to the course contents. Themes following along with the digital growth of Asia such as AI/big data, social media communications, supply chain analytics, entrepreneurship, and much more! This concluded a wonderful start to a well-curated intensive program as students took a brief break before the first seminar on the introduction to the global economy and Asia.

On the second day of the program, focused on international business with the topic of investment management in the age of big data, students found the lecture content to be immensely practical as the afternoon session was joined by guest speakers from the prestigious National Palace Museum of Taiwan. This session provided students an in-depth look into how digital contents are now being curated in Museums with a focus on Taiwan. The following days of course lectures will continue with this unique blended format through theoretical knowledge course lectures by experienced NCCUC faculty and practical sessions of guest speakers, hands-on experiences, or virtual company visits by notable industry professionals.

The two-week program will cover four main modules of International Business, Business Administration, Management Information Systems, and Accounting touching on current topics of digitalization such as smart city applications, AI technology, digital and social media marketing, blockchain, ethical issues, and innovations. Off with a great start, students will most definitely leave the program with key knowledge of business success from a global perspective, the ability to cultivate efficient communication and technological skills, and understand the challenges of the digital age from a broader and more innovative perspective.
Opening ceremony ice-breaking group discussion on digital marketing and social media.
IMBA CAREER TALK “The Taiwanese Job Market”

IMBA CAREER TALK “The Taiwanese Job Market”

On April 16th, IMBA students and special guests were delighted to join Ms. Tiffany Pan in a 2-hour session where she went over the most pressing needs for individuals entering the job market in Taiwan as global talents. This comes at a time when the class entered in 2020 will soon be graduating and planning for a career change and entry into the local job market.

IMBA Students and Alumni joined the career talk.
Ms. Pan is a business development manager and speaker who’s exited the ranks of Robert Walters Taiwan as a recruitment consultant and CTBC as a recruitment specialist to pursue her own entrepreneurial ambitions: Bloomwave and 8VI Holdings. She’s a person who understands very well both the needs of the employers and the difficulties of global talents entering Taiwan’s job market. Her special experience puts her in the best position to communicate all those less-known tips to help new graduates fly through their recruitment process.
Venn Diagram of how to prepare a great resume.
The session began with opening words from current Student Council President, Ms. Holly Chen, where she gave a brief introduction and proceeded to hand over the lead to Ms. Pan. She got right into the topic with a disclaimer to help candidates get into her perspective, “not getting a job isn’t always your fault, it’s likely a mismatch between you and the company’s culture, personality, managers, internal processes, etc.” She said “70% of getting a job is attributed to hard and soft skills, the rest is uncontrollable,” meaning that external factors will play an important role into influencing a candidate’s eligibility.

However, there is that 70% of getting a job that candidates get to build on to better position themselves, and what’s most important is: how we stand out to an HR manager among hundreds of other applicants. When making a career change or jumping into a new market, it’s important to focus our resume on transferrable skills like critical thinking, teamwork, diversity, leadership, professionalism, communication, ethics, etc. This will help the interviewers understand better how someone’s experience abroad, in other position, industry, or market, will translate into helping their company solve a problem that will lead to the company reaching its goals.

Furthermore, the linkage between the candidate, the company and the position, is one that must be examined closely. The reason why is because the aspects that all three of these parties have in common is what the recruitment process will be about, and the goal is to showcase the strength of these links. Additionally, passion is an important piece at getting that new job. Ms. Pan made it clear that appearing passionate about the job is not the goal, but rather to explore your own passions and find the ideal company and job that are aligned to them.

Finally, Ms. Pan answered several questions regarding the cultural and bureaucratic procedures with the recruitment process in Taiwan. Although the talk was online, it was dynamic and helpful for all candidates looking for insightful answers. Later, she encouraged students to stay motivated not just for this mundane process that most people go through, but to stay motivated for your passions, goals, and aspirations. Looking within to find an organization and a place at that organization was the ultimate goal of this talk. We look forward to hosting Ms. Pan.
Looking within before preparing your resume.