NCCUC’s 2024 Partner School Fair Ignites Global Academic Adventures!

NCCUC’s 2024 Partner School Fair Ignites Global Academic Adventures!

The lobby of the Commerce Building in National Chengchi University campus was radiating with international fervor on October 16th, 2024, as the annual Partner School Fair unfolded. This highly anticipated event provided a platform for foreign exchange students to showcase their home universities to a captivated audience of local and international NCCU students.

With over sixty partner universities represented, the fair offered a panoramic view of global academic opportunities. Students eagerly navigated the diverse array of booths, each brimming with information and cultural insights.

The fair served as an outlet for invaluable advice and guidance. A representative from Audiencia Business School in France emphasized the importance of academic diligence for Taiwanese students aspiring to study in France. Another prominent representative was from ESSCA School of Management, further showcasing the wealth of opportunities available in French education. Emma, a Finance student at NCCUC, expressed a keen interest in ESSCA School of Management in France. She was drawn by the university’s representative who delivered an engaging presentation, highlighting the institution’s strengths and providing tailored recommendations on campus selection and course options. Her energetic demeanor and insightful responses to student inquiries left a lasting impression.

Ondra Psenicka, representing Prague University, drew interest with his insights into the prestigious Business Administration faculty. Grace, a Risk Management student at NCCUC, was particularly captivated by the prospect of studying at Prague University. Ondra’s advice extended beyond academics, encompassing practical tips for navigating daily life in Prague. Their exchange culminated in the sharing of contact information, fostering a connection that extended beyond the fair.

The Waseda Business School and Kyushu University, representing Japan’s academic excellence, also generated significant excitement, attracting a steady stream of students who were keen to learn about studying in Japan.

Zoe and Melody, Money and Banking students from NCCUC, were particularly drawn to the National University of Singapore Business School, finding the representative’s presentation highly compelling. Their animated discussion afterward underscored how impactful the fair’s atmosphere was in encouraging students to envision new adventures.
In another corner of the lobby, Mikoto Nomura, representing Queensland University of Technology Faculty of Business and Law, demonstrated meticulous preparation, equipping interested students with comprehensive pamphlets detailing crucial aspects of studying in Australia, including cost of living and the structure of the exchange program. Mikoto’s proactive approach extended to sharing her social media and email address, ensuring continued engagement with prospective students. This personal touch created a sense of connection that contributed to the fair’s dynamic and engaging atmosphere.

Rudram Piplad, representing the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, promoted the virtues of his institution, emphasizing the esteemed faculty, many of whom boast degrees from prestigious universities like Harvard. He emphasized the use of innovative teaching methods, including case studies that challenge students to think critically. He encouraged Taiwanese students to sharpen their English skills, stressing that it would be a key asset for anyone aspiring to excel at his institution.

Throughout the event, France, Germany, and Belgium stood out with their expansive presence. With as many as thirteen booths, their representatives showcased a variety of options, emphasizing the depth of their partnerships with NCCU. The atmosphere was stimulating, with a constant hum of conversation and networking filling the lobby as students eagerly absorbed the information being shared.

Even as the ninety-minute event neared its end, the enthusiasm throughout the room remained high. Attendees expressed their excitement, discussing their newfound interests and exchange prospects with their peers. The fair was an invigorating reminder of NCCUC’s commitment to fostering global connections and expanding its students’ academic horizons.

This annual event serves as a testament to NCCUC’s commitment to fostering global perspectives and providing its students with unparalleled access to international educational opportunities. The 2024 Partner School Fair was more than just an event. It was a celebration of possibilities and a launchpad for countless academic adventures. It was a vivid demonstration of how NCCUC’s network of global partnerships comes to life, inspiring students to courageously take the leap toward international learning and growth.
A diverse group of academically accomplished foreign exchange students from around the world showcased their home universities at the 2024 Partner School Fair in NCCUC!
The representative from ULB Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management captivated the interest of a local student and sparked her curiosity during an informative session.
The Commerce Building lobby transformed into a global hub of educational opportunities enabling Taiwanese students to explore their world-class options.
The representative from Universidad de Los Andes School of Management also made a compelling presentation showcasing the allure of Colombian higher education that attracted Taiwanese students.
The charm of Japanese higher education was on full display as the Kyushu University representative showcased the unique opportunities and experiences available to Taiwanese students.
霍特獎系列工作坊正式展開 激發學生創新創業潛力

霍特獎系列工作坊正式展開 激發學生創新創業潛力


隨後,政大霍特獎校園大使Kimberly Chen詳細介紹霍特獎全球競賽的目標與意義,並分享自己的參賽經驗,激勵學生勇於迎接挑戰。她勉勵大家抓住機會,發揮創業潛力,努力成為下一代的創業領袖。接下來,由Fabreco公司執行長兼聯合創辦人Angelica Urbina分享參加霍特獎的寶貴經歷。她鼓勵學生勇於突破自我和擁抱創意,並在競賽過程中保持韌性與決心。她的分享為工作坊的學生帶來深刻的啟發,強調在創業過程中協作與創新的重要性,也期許大家能對全球創業生態系統做出實質貢獻。

工作坊進入互動環節,首先進行了「熱馬鈴薯(Hot Potato)」破冰遊戲,讓參加者透過拋接球的方式進行自我介紹,接著進行「最高建築(Tallest Building)」挑戰,透過分組合作並利用有限材料搭建建築物,藉此培養團隊協作能力。最後進入簡報環節,讓學生們分享各自的創業想法,並與未來有可能成為隊友的同學進行交流與合作。

Kimberly Chen表示由於產創總中心的全力支持,以及政大霍特獎校園團隊的用心籌劃,工作坊才能圓滿成功。她也表示在未來兩個月內,將會推出更多創新創業系列工作坊、創業導師課程及團隊協作訓練,全面支援學生的創業發展,並期待看到大家提出具有創新構想的創業項目。隨著霍特獎系列工作坊的啟動,產創總中心將繼續扮演支持學生創業的重要角色,讓更多創新構想得以落地實現,為全球創造正向社會影響力。
2025 政大霍特獎校園大使Kimberly Chen分享參賽經驗。(照片來源:產創總中心)
Fabreco公司執行長兼聯合創辦人Angelica Urbina分享參賽經驗。(照片來源:產創總中心)
政大IMBA 迎新 13國新生相見歡迎向嶄新挑戰

政大IMBA 迎新 13國新生相見歡迎向嶄新挑戰


IMBA學程主任蔡政憲(Professor Jason Tsai)教授於開場致詞中鼓勵所有同學,不論是國際生或本地生,都應該把握在IMBA學程的機會,敞開心胸體驗一切,例如國際生可以積極尋找在台灣的實習或兼職工作,一窺台灣企業的工作氛圍和文化,而本地生則可以善用學程提供的資源,申請國際姊妹校交換或者雙聯學位,除了學術技能之外,在IMBA的社群內,建立跨國人脈也是很重要且不可或缺的一環。緊接著IMBA行政團隊介紹了和同學們日常課業息息相關的一切所需,盼充分的資訊揭露可以緩解同學們的緊張和不安,也相信強大且可靠的行政團隊們,將成為日後學習的後盾。

新生們最期待的莫過於在學學長姐以及校友的現身說法,2021年入學的胡維榛(Roxanne Hu)學姊,分享了本地生在學程中會碰到的挑戰與個人經驗,尤其在工作、學業及個人生活平衡上,應該和身邊的人都保持開放溝通,設定具體目標,並做好時程管理,並強調在面對各方壓力時,照顧好個人身心健康為首要之務,而她也照著這樣的方式,一年就順利完成所有必修課程,並於第二年前往法國留學。

外籍生代表則為2023年入學來自哥倫比亞的程麗梅(Johana Cuellar),她透過參與「Study in Taiwan」比賽的短片,分享了自己的台灣經驗。在台灣這個全新的環境中感受不同的文化衝擊,同時還要在學業壓力中保持身心健康,對她而言是一趟自我發現與成長之旅,她同時還申請了視覺內容創作的國際實習,除了因此更了解台灣的職場文化和工作習慣,更累積獨一無二的作品集和人脈,最後,她以十三世紀波斯詩人魯米的一句話總結:「昨天的我很聰明,所以我想改變世界。今天的我充滿智慧,所以我正在改變自己。」

校友分享的環節則邀請了來自宏都拉斯的張振軒(Francisco Lopez)和台灣的曾毓(Taro Tseng)。Francisco分享自己在學時即碰到的挑戰和收獲,鼓勵學弟妹們要敞開心胸接受各方回饋,並積極投入IMBA大家庭的各項活動,保持開放的溝通,和不同國家的同學們交流。曾毓強調在課業壓力下仍需專注於個人目標的重要性,在享受重回校園生活之餘,也要盡量保持學業與個人生活的平衡,尤其是法國雙聯學位的經歷,和不同文化背景的人互動讓她時刻警惕自己應保持多元的觀點,對他個人影響深遠。

IMBA生活中,除了學業之外,多元的課外活動和社團也是亮點之一。IMBA學生會會長林約翰(Dicky Irawan) 代表分享了學生會以及IMBA Oath Club的重要性,並邀請同學們積極參與。另外也有IMBA龍舟隊的共同隊長印尼的戴绍安 (Anthony Santoso)和台灣的高嘉伶(Lynn Kao)共同進行社團介紹,他們分享了龍舟隊之於IMBA的重要意義,並再次號召現場同學踴躍加入。





曾毓(Taro Tseng)分享她的旅程與專業知識,激勵IMBA新生們勇敢迎接學術冒險。

張振軒 (Francisco Lopez)以充滿智慧的經驗談,吸引新生們的目光。

政大IMBA 迎新 13國新生相見歡迎向嶄新挑戰

The Fall 2024 IMBA Orientation Offers a Glimpse into the Exciting World of the IMBA Program

On Sunday, September 1st, 2024, the International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) Program held an engaging orientation ceremony to welcome its new students. The event took place on the sixth floor of the College of Commerce Building and was led by two moderators who created an uplifting and informative atmosphere for the afternoon.

The orientation began with an inspiring welcome speech by Professor Jason Tsai, the Director of the IMBA Program. In his address, he emphasized the significant role that the IMBA program plays in students’ academic journeys, describing it as a pivotal step in their formal education. He encouraged students to take advantage of this unique opportunity, especially those from international backgrounds, emphasizing the opportunity costs involved. He also urged local students to explore the exchange program or dual degree options and advised international students to pursue internship or part-time job opportunities. The Director highlighted the importance of networking within the IMBA community and encouraged students to connect with alumni from their home countries.

Following Director Tsai’s address, the students gathered on stage for a group photo, marking the start of their shared journey and the friendships that would form during their studies.

The orientation then shifted to an administrative session led by the IMBA Administration Office. The office representatives provided essential information about the program’s structure, resources and opportunities. They detailed the IMBA course layout, concentration options, policies, and facilities creating an informative atmosphere for the journey ahead.

The orientation truly came alive during the sessions where current students and alumni shared their experiences, providing valuable insights for the newcomers embarking on their IMBA journey. Roxanne Hu, a current student from the 2021 batch, offered her unique perspective as a local student. Her advice was to communicate openly with professors, classmates, and loved ones; to set and reach specific goals; and to develop a routine to manage time effectively. She also emphasized the importance of prioritizing well-being, especially during overwhelming times, and pointed out the program’s flexibility, which allowed her to study abroad in France during her second year after completing the required first-year courses.

Johana Cuellar from Colombia, a member of the 2023 batch, enthusiastically shared her experiences, showcasing her short film from the Study in Taiwan competition. She emphasized the significance of cultural adaptation, the journey of self-discovery in a new environment, and preserving mental health amidst academic rigors. She also shared her international internship as a visual content creator, offering three key insights: understanding Taiwanese work culture, building a robust portfolio, and fostering valuable professional relationships. She concluded with an inspiring quote from Rumi: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

The alumni perspective was brought to life by Francisco Lopez from Honduras and Taro Tseng from Taiwan. Francisco discussed the challenges and rewards of the IMBA experience. He encouraged students to welcome feedback, take responsibility for their choices, and engage actively in the IMBA community. He further urged students to have faith in themselves, to communicate openly, and to practice self-compassion when things do not go according to plan.

Taro shared her insights as a local alumnus, emphasizing the need to remain focused on personal goals despite academic pressures. She encouraged students to enjoy the program and to maintain a balance between their studies and personal relationships. Drawing from her dual-degree experience in France, Taro underscored the importance of appreciating diverse perspectives and the personal growth that derives from interacting with individuals from various cultural backgrounds.

Dicky Irawan, the President of the IMBA Student Council, took the opportunity to introduce the council members, shared information about open positions, and urged new students to get involved. Additionally, he spoke on behalf of the IMBA Oath Club, which advocates for ethical leadership, and invited students to play a role in the club.

The final club presentation was delivered by the co-captains of the IMBA Dragon Boat Team, Anthony Santoso from Indonesia and Lynn Kao from Taiwan. Lynn shared the significance of the Dragon Boat Festival and the team structure while Anthony highlighted the multifaceted benefits of joining the team. They concluded with a call to action for interested students to join and rewarded the first recruit with a prize.

The formal orientation concluded with a vibrant networking session, allowing new students to forge the connections that would prove essential throughout their IMBA journey. A campus tour followed, familiarizing students with their new academic home.

The IMBA 2024 Orientation left the new students equipped, inspired, and ready to embark on their academic journey at NCCUC. The new students departed, marking the end of a memorable first chapter in what promised to be an enriching and transformative experience for the IMBA batch of 2024.

The IMBA Batch of 2024 United in Diversity and Ambition
Director Tsai Ignites the IMBA Journey with a Warm and Inspiring Welcome
Building Connections: IMBA Students Forge Friendships with Bright Smiles and Shared Aspirations
Taro Tseng Shares Her Journey and Expertise, Motivating the New IMBA Class to Embrace Their Academic Adventure
Francisco Lopez Captivates the New IMBA Students with Words of Wisdom and Experience
打造雙語專業商管菁英 政大商院英語商管專班(ETP)喜迎新生

打造雙語專業商管菁英 政大商院英語商管專班(ETP)喜迎新生






同學們在沈琪老師帶領的討論中,展示他們的Zootopia Corporation概念。


迎新活動從主持人帶領的破冰遊戲展開序幕,透過這些精心設計的互動環節,這些來自世界各地的同學們不知不覺就熟稔起來,當中由總召企管三高婷薇(Alice Kao)及企管二張筱妍(Kathy Chang)最引人入勝的小遊戲「Pass the Word」,更是在這群外籍同學間掀起挑戰。緊接著由兩位商院國際事務大使國貿二劉姵岑(Hebe Liu)和財管二楊子儀(Ruby Yang)帶來「Landing in Taiwan」,如數家珍般地介紹了台灣的知名景點、傳統節慶、特色美食,以及最實用的日常生活指南,包含交通訊息、便利商店等等,堪稱匯集了所有重要資訊的台灣生活大寶典,當中不免俗地穿插了寫書法的互動環節,也讓來自科隆大學管理經濟社會科學院的交換生Lora Boycheva(白蘿拉)印象深刻。

針對交換生們生活的重點區域-政大校園,則由兩組同學包含統計二吳帛恩(Brian Wu) 、企管二劉藝婷(Latisha Liu)以及企管二張筱妍(Kathy Chang),分別透過充滿活力的說唱「BBA News-Podcast」和特別的「Expenditure Map」,分享政大校園的生存指南,從校園環境、餐飲選擇,到國際學程、交換計畫以及學伴制度、選課方式等等,將同學們日常生活和學習所需的訊息一網打盡。分享環節的壓軸,則由政大交換學程的負責助教黃千容介紹國際事務辦公室,以及學校對於交換生們所提供的行政資源。

在緊湊的介紹環節之後,交換生在國際學生大使的陪伴下,終於第一次走訪政大校園,實地了解未來幾個月的生活場景。緊接著就搭上巴士,展開期待已久的宜蘭文化之旅,透過導遊深入淺出的介紹,外籍同學們對於台灣的歷史、地理有了初步的理解,在享用道地豐盛的台菜午餐後,一行人祥語有機農場,穿上傳統農耕服裝出發採摘茶葉。來自印度管理學院班加羅爾分校(IIMB) 的碩士生Rudram Piplad(畢如莊)和Harish Kumar Obili(歐禾利)表示,整個行程中最難忘的就是採茶體驗,加上獲得了親手雕刻的茶杯,把回憶化成了具體的紀念品保存,特別有意義。

要體驗傳統文化,當然不能錯過宜蘭的傳統藝術中心,來自日本早稻田大學的 Kohei Osawa(大澤耕平)以及比利時布魯塞爾自由大學Solvay商學院的Ilias Lahmidi(雷伊利)表示,雖然天氣真的非常炎熱,但喝到傳統涼茶,雖然炎熱是一種常見的抱怨,但白天提供的冷茶和親身體驗的傳統文化氛圍,都緩解了天氣炎熱帶來的不適,此行非常值得。

在迎新活動中,交換生展示自己書法作品 – 「福」。
來自荷蘭馬茲垂克大學經濟管理學院Joshua Smilde約書樺和商院國際事務大使企管二劉藝婷開心的展現採茶的成果。