On December 19, 2023, the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) NCCU Chapter, held its 16th member induction and certification ceremony at the I-Yu Hall on the 6th floor of the College of Commerce. A total of 38 new members from various departments within the College of Commerce were certified as new BGS members during this ceremony. Beta Gamma Sigma is an internationally recognized honor society accredited by AACSB. To qualify for membership, students must rank in the top 10% of their undergraduate class, or the top 20% of their graduate class. Since the establishment of the NCCU Chapter in 2008, 532 outstanding students from the College of Commerce have been invited to join the society. Among the 38 new members this year, Yi-Xiang Kao from the Department of Business Administration expressed that the certification is an important recognition of his efforts over the past two years at NCCU. He believes it will bring richer resources and connections to his international network. Chih-Hung Wang from the Department of Accounting shared that besides seeing the honor as a validation for his dedicated studies, he also plans to pursue graduate studies in the United States and hopes that being a BGS member will provide more opportunities to build international connections and enrich his resume. Yun Lo, an MBA student, stated that the motivation for joining is to internationalize her resume and hopes to leverage BGS resources for networking and finding a fulfilling job. After the Introduction of the Beta Gamma Sigma NCCU Chapter by Associate Dean Yenn-Ru Chen of the College of Commerce, Dean Jia-Chi Huang presented certificates to the new members and led them in pledging to uphold the BGS principles. Dean Huang encouraged the new members, acknowledged their academic achievements at the College of Commerce, and emphasized the importance of internationalization and global mobility in career development. He expressed the hope that students would use the various resources provided by the College, such as exchange programs, collaboration opportunities, international exchanges, and short-term visits, to quickly connect with the international business environment and broaden their career perspectives. Dean Huang also urged students to integrate the BGS core values of "Honor, Wisdom, and Zeal" with the college's core values, establishing a diverse network through internationalization and innovation. In conclusion. He wished everyone a successful career development and reminded them to maintain good health, as it is capital for future endeavors. Associate Dean Chen randomly invited members to share their expectations for obtaining resources from BGS and how they will contribute to the chapter's honor. Students expressed their commitment to maintaining excellent academic performance, pursuing further studies domestically or internationally, and expanding their careers with international perspectives. Associate Dean Chen reminded everyone to uphold the belief that "There is no limitation and there is no impossibility." She encouraged everyone, as members of the international honor society BGS, to boldly pursue anything they desire and not be constrained by the environment. She hoped that all members would courageously pursue their dreams, showcase their excellence, and pass on these qualities to the next generation. Finally, the 2023 BGS induction ceremony concluded with a group photo of all new members and mentors. Congratulations to the 38 new members!"