【Lecture Title|演講主題】
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Confusion: AI-Assisted Writing in the Classroom (Please bring your laptop)

4/25(Thu) 10:00 – 12:10

Dah Hsian Lecture Hall, Dah Hsian Library, National Chengchi University|政治大學達賢圖書館 達賢講堂
報名連結:https://bit.ly/4cv8Lf5 (最多60人)

Like it or not, AI-based Large Language Models (#LLMs) like Chatpgt are now in every single university classroom. Whether we’re students or teachers, we ignore these tools at our peril. Bans and detection tools are ineffective, and LLMs offer legitimate help beyond serving as an ethically questionable shortcut. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the strengths and weaknesses of using LLMs as a writing and writing instruction partner.

Graham Oliver is a teacher, writer, and editor living in Taipei.
He currently serves as an Adjunct Instructor at the Academic Writing and Education Center of NTU. His writing has appeared in Harvard Educational Review, Commonwealth Magazine/天下雜誌, Guernica, and elsewhere. His areas of interest include the teaching of writing, literature in translation, and video game narratives. He holds an MA in Rhetoric and Composition as well as an MFA in Creative Writing from Texas State University

The EMI Resource Center, National Chengchi University |國立政治大學英語教學資源中心
The Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office, National Chengchi University|國立政治大學雙語及多元文化推動辦公室

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