【活動宣傳】第3屆  EMI Plus教師增能工作坊

【活動宣傳】第3屆 EMI Plus教師增能工作坊

本次為期五天、總計36小時的 EMI 增能工作坊,將由來自不同專業的老師帶領大家一起探索各種實用的教學主題!課程內容包含 BOPPPS教學法、EMI課室困境與解方及互動式數位工具應用等,並導入「前後測」作為評量,幫助清楚呈現增能成效。

通過評量的學員將獲得本校 EMI 教學資源中心頒發的「結訓證明」,以及 ISW 國際認證 (Instructional Skills Workshop)。詳細活動資訊請參考活動官網(https://emitlc.ntu.edu.tw/pages/10)







“Never give up”: Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton’s Embracing Resilience and Global Impact Through NCCU

“Never give up”: Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton’s Embracing Resilience and Global Impact Through NCCU

【Article by Han Pham】
Two decades ago, Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton graduated from NCCU's IMBA class of 2002, one of only two Belizean students to pursue an education in this distant land. Today, due to his influence and advocacy, nearly 50 Belizean students arrive in Taiwan each year, eager to embrace the possibilities that international education can bring. During his recent campus visit on June 11 as the recipient of the 4th Distinguished Taiwan Alumni Award, an award by the Taiwan Ministry of Education that recognizes the outstanding achievements of foreigners who have studied in Taiwan, enhances international exchanges, and inspires international students, Dr. Middleton shared his remarkable journey and the principles guiding him throughout his multifaceted career, including planning in three key areas: academics, career, and family.

As the room started to fill with students coming to hear about the sharing, Professor Jason Tsai, IMBA Director, was honored to introduce Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton. Hailing from Belize, a country located on Central America’s northeastern coast, Dr. Middleton arrived in Taiwan as a second-generation ICDF scholarship recipient. His journey began with curiosity and courage. Rather than following the path of many seeking education in the United States, he was drawn to Taiwan, fascinated by its academic rigor, vibrant culture, reputation for excellence in health care, welcoming community, and exceptional cuisine. During his time at NCCU, despite the language barrier, as his IMBA cohort consisted of 50% Taiwanese and 50% international students, the supportive environment in Taiwan made a lasting impression on Dr.Middleton. One particularly memorable moment came during the Lunar New Year when professors gave red envelopes to international students, a gesture that helped him connect more deeply with Taiwan’s cultural traditions. Upon returning to campus, he unexpectedly had a heartfelt reunion with an employee who had worked at NCCU for the past twenty years.

At NCCU's IMBA program, Dr. Middleton gained specialized knowledge that advanced his career and inspired him to contribute to the education system in his home country. Clarifying his aspiration to educate and inspire future leaders, he has played a vital role in the University of Belize's expansion, developing the MBA program and transforming undergraduate programs into specialized business fields, including accounting, business administration, finance, marketing, economics, and entrepreneurship. Moreover, he is working on a Master of Public Sector Management program to enhance his country's educational landscape further.

However, Dr. Middleton's time in Taiwan was not just an educational experience but a transformative journey that instilled in him a mindset of "never giving up." His encounter with SARS in Taiwan highlighted the importance of preparedness and adaptability—values he later applied at the University of Belize during the COVID-19 crisis. His studies in Taiwan taught him the power of perseverance and resilience, shaping his belief that everyone, regardless of their background, has the potential to make a positive impact. As Dr. Middleton shared, "I feel like I could do anything. The Taiwanese never give up, which inspired me to believe I could change the world."

In this spirit, Dr. Middleton joined the government’s efforts to tackle corruption and reform the country’s immigration system. "We developed and introduced the electronic passport system, which significantly improved security," he explains. This work was not only technical improvement but rooted in humanitarian efforts, including helping refugees and addressing migration issues in Central America. Dr. Middleton has also been deeply involved with the Refugee Eligibility Committee, processing amnesty applications for thousands of undocumented individuals and ensuring Belize remains a safe and welcoming destination. Under his leadership, Belize served as the interim chair of the Regional Migration Conference, where he collaborated with representatives from North and Central America to address migration and refugee protection challenges. Additionally, Dr. Middleton has been pivotal in advancing government sustainability initiatives in recent years, such as introducing electric buses to Belize City. This project underscores his ability to connect innovation with environmental responsibility, a value he embraced in Taiwan, where he witnessed firsthand the effectiveness of green technologies.

Taiwan's community-oriented mindset also profoundly shaped Middleton’s service and volunteerism approach. Inspired by volunteering at a bird park in Taiwan, Dr. Middleton has been actively involved with organizations in Belize, including the World Pediatric Project and the Belize Diabetes Association. This experience taught him the importance of giving back to society and nurturing future generations. His family has also inspired his work, as he strives to provide his children with the opportunities and resources he lacked growing up. His commitment to building generational wealth through land and sustainable agriculture reflects his dedication to creating long-term opportunities for his family.

Marking the end of his speech, Dr. Middleton encouraged students to approach their study abroad journey with a clear plan and an open mind. He again emphasized the importance of long-term and meticulous planning for every aspect of life. "Make the right choices and make sure you have your plan." he shared. "It's wonderful to come back after 20 years,". When bidding farewell to NCCU President Tsai-Yen Li, Dr. Middleton expressed his hope to return and promised potential collaboration opportunities between NCCU and the University of Belize.
President Tsai-Yen Li(right)and Dr. Gilroy Middleton(left).(Photo by Secretariat)
Group photo.(Photo by Secretariat)
Dr. Gilroy Middleton delivers an inspiring talk to students, shared stories woven with resilience, a relentless pursuit of growth, and a powerful reminder of the importance of having a plan.(Photo by Secretariat)
Group photo.(Photo by Secretariat)
NCCU vibrant campus, as Dr. Gilroy Middleton observed on his return walk around the grounds, “more buildings and more people,” reflects 20 years of growth since his first days here.(Photo by Secretariat)
“Never give up”: Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton’s Embracing Resilience and Global Impact Through NCCU

IMBA貝里斯校友Middleton 分享獲全球留臺傑出校友獎喜悅

教育部日前舉辦第四屆「全球留臺傑出校友獎」,其中一位來自貝里斯的優秀得獎者,正是2002年政治大學商學院IMBA校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton。學成返國後Middleton持續推進各領域發展,目前擔任貝里斯大學管理與社會科學學院行銷課程助理教授。此次來臺領獎期間特地重返政大,與學弟妹分享求學經驗與職涯發展歷程。

自政大畢業後, Middleton融合管理、行銷與金融專長,持續深耕貝里斯各項建設,從交通系統改良到創新通訊軟體應用的引進,他的足跡遍布各領域。在2020年時Middleton更獲貝里斯總理拔擢,出任移民部次長一職,協助建立嶄新的電子護照系統,大幅提升國家安全管理效能。作為貝里斯留臺校友會的活躍成員,他持續推廣臺灣獎學金計畫,積極促進臺貝學術交流,為深化兩國雙邊關係貢獻心力。


除了自身回憶, Middleton也不吝與學弟妹傳承經驗,分享國際視野的重要性。與會學生包含多位IMBA學生,Middleton親切地詢問學弟妹的學習狀況,在校生與傑出校友的跨屆交流十分具有意義。他提及在臺灣的學習不僅提升他的專業知識,也體驗了多元文化和志願服務:「在IMBA的學習讓我深刻體會堅持不懈的精神,政大則讓我相信自己有能力改變世界。」他表示返國後推動的諸多政策革新,都源自在臺求學時期的啟發。這段經歷至今仍持續影響著他在貝里斯的工作理念。


此次的獎項不僅是對 Middleton個人成就的肯定,也彰顯臺灣在全球教育和文化交流中的重要角色。教育部設立全球留臺傑出校友獎,旨在表彰在各自領域取得卓越成就的在臺外籍留學生,並透過這些獎項強化與世界各國的友好關係。Middleton也以自身經歷勉勵在臺留學生,「善用臺灣豐富的教育資源,不論是考取國際認證如財務分析師證照,或是參與產學合作專案,都能為未來發展奠定良好基礎。」他也期許未來能促成政大與貝里斯大學的學術合作,為兩國教育交流開創新篇章。
校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton(左)致贈紀念品予校長李蔡彥(右)。(攝影:秘書處)
校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton(左二)、校長李蔡彥(右二)等合照。(攝影:秘書處)
校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton分享求學經驗與職涯發展歷程。(攝影:秘書處)
IMBA主任蔡政憲(前排左一)、校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton(前排右二)等師生於分享會後合照。(攝影:秘書處)
IMBA主任蔡政憲(前排右)陪同校友Gilroy Hughdonald Middleton(前排左)漫步校園。(攝影:秘書處)



本次工作坊旨在引導學生採用SQ3R的閱讀策略,包括Survey (瀏覽全文結構及邏輯順序)、Question (針對文章各層次的標頭提出Wh- 的問題)、Read(根據Wh- 的問題,閱讀文章並找答案)、Recite(複述各層次Wh- 問題與答案)、Review(複習全文架構,以及問題與答案)。希望學生work smart,短時間能夠掌握文章重點,達到事半功倍的效果。詳細活動資訊請參考: https://emitlc.ntu.edu.tw/activities/42




介紹影片: https://youtu.be/QlUSOyckoCg

敬邀各校教學助理、教師及學生報名參加! 本工作坊名額有限(上午課程至多200人; 全日工作坊(包含上午講座及下午試教演練,至多48人,額滿為止。 ) 詳細報名資訊,請參考報名連結。

工作坊日期: 2024/12/08(日) 08:30 – 17:30 

地點: 國立臺灣大學校總區(詳細地點將再另行通知)

報名連結: https://www.surveycake.com/s/WgKQL

報名期限: 到2024/11/27(三) 


NTU EMI Teaching and Learning Center (EMI TLC)

Email: ntuemitlc@ntu.edu.tw

TEL: (02)3366-7970#225-228


政大英語教學資源中心 EMI TA培訓:期中分享

政大英語教學資源中心 EMI TA培訓:期中分享


為推動本校國際化並促進多語友善的學習環境,國立政治大學英語教學資源中心特別推出「EMI TA 培訓計畫」。盼能透過EMI TA培訓的機制,協助本校EMI TA提升EMI教學暨輔導專業能力,同時借助培訓影片觀看及測驗、主題式座談、分享及反饋的方式,實現互助互惠、知識交流共享的目的!

本活動以EMI TA 為優先,但也開放給其他欲成為EMI TA的學生獲得認證!

報名資訊/報名資格: 學生
招收名額:40人活動日期: 2024/11/14(四)
時間:113年11月14日12:10-13:30  認證時數:0小時 
地點:校友服務中心會議室 *若報名人數過多將更換場地
承辦單位:EMI Resource Center
聯絡人:陳宜彣 0229393091分機60326
華語中心推動語言與文化交流 促進跨國友誼

華語中心推動語言與文化交流 促進跨國友誼




此外,自去年夏天開始本中心便將「語言交換牆」移至人流更多的一樓走廊,以提供更多校內同學與國際學生互動的平臺。這面牆深受本中心國際學生歡迎,許多學生常在課後駐足牆前,尋找語言交換夥伴。歡迎有興趣的本校學生自製吸睛的語言交換海報,拿到華語中心蓋章後張貼在語言交換牆,也可以將電子版海報寄送至華語中心的信箱(mandarin@nccu.edu.tw)。 華語中心期盼藉由此次計畫,成為連結本校學生與國際學生的橋樑,透過語言與文化交流,建立更多跨文化的友誼。