【Lecture Title|演講主題】
EMI in Thailand (English as a Medium of Instruction)

4/22 (一)10:00 – 12:30

Conference Room No. 3
7F, Administration Building, National Chengchi University
國立政治大學行政大樓七樓 第三會議室

報名連結:https://bit.ly/3Vs8Bil (學校報名系統)

The number of schools and universities implementing English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) in Thailand has increased significantly since 1990. In addition to the goal of internationalization and globalization, the adoption of EMI in education is driven by a desire to enhance career and educational opportunities, as well as to improve language proficiency. Despite the widespread adoption of EMI in Thai education, several reports highlight its effectiveness and challenges persist.

These include concerns regarding language proficiency levels, pedagogical approaches, teacher qualifications, and cultural considerations. In this presentation. I will elaborate on the history of EMI education in Thailand, rationale, and current implementation. Challenges faced by policy makers, educators and learners will also be highlighted. The possible solutions include providing more support for both the teachers and students and implementing the language curriculum.

Rachanee Dersingh completed her PhD in Linguistics from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Currently, she is a lecturer at the School of Liberal Arts, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. She engages in training schoolteachers to undertake Exploratory Action Research (EAR) as part of their professional development. Her research interests include language maintenance, language choice, linguistic landscape, trans-languaging and English language teaching.

國立政治大學英語教學資源中心 EMI Resource Center, NCCU
政大雙語及多元文化推動辦公室 Bilingual Education and Multicultural Promotion Office, NCCU