為增進學生對校園英語學習資源的了解,並提供學生展示創意的機會,國立政治大學英語教學資源中心以「One-Third Video Speak Out Challenge」為主題,邀請學生創作3至5分鐘的短影音。期許透過本次競賽,鼓勵學生嘗試影音科技等多樣化的英語學習策略,以激發學習英語的熱情、提升英語口說能力,豐富校園學術氣氛。

•       影片標題自訂
•       影片須全程使用英文,時長為3至5分鐘,且至少三分之一的時長須由參賽者進行英語口語表達,並配有相應字幕(每位團隊成員均發言尤佳)。
•       影片內容須緊扣下列其中一項主軸:
(1) 展示英語學習的創意方法或技巧。
(2) 介紹或分享使用國立政治大學英語學習資源的經驗及成果。
•       報名時程: 即日起至民國 113 年 11 月 11 日(一)下午 5 點整截止。
•       得獎者將於民國 113 年 12 月 11 日(三)於本中心官網及Facebook粉絲專頁同時公告。
•       完整版競賽公告: https://reurl.cc/GpQQ2x
•       報名表單: https://reurl.cc/qvoo7q
•       中文版授權書: https://reurl.cc/my77m1
•       中心官網:https://www.eminccu.com/
•       中心臉書: https://www.facebook.com/nccu.emi
•       中心IG: https://www.instagram.com/nccu.emi
凡參加本活動之參賽者皆可獲得本中心提供之參賽小獎品, 獎品提供時間會另行公布。敬請各位政大同學踴躍參與。
國立政治大學英語教學資源中心 敬上

【One-Third Video Speak Out Challenge】by The NCCU EMI Resource Center 

The NCCU EMI Resource Center aims to promote English learning resources on campus and provide a platform for students to showcase their creativity. Through the “One-Third Video Speak Out Challenge,” we invite students to create short videos (3 to 5 minutes) that demonstrate diverse English learning strategies such as the use of video technology. We encourage all students to express their passion for learning English and enhance their speaking skills, enriching the academic atmosphere on the NCCU campus.

Competition information 
•       Title: Self-determined
•       The entire video must be in English, with a duration of 3 to 5 minutes. At least one-third of the video must feature the participants speaking in English, with corresponding subtitles (it is even better if every team member speaks).
•       The video must focus on either of the following themes: 
•       Showcase creative methods or techniques for learning English.
•       Introduce or share experiences or outcomes from using English learning resources at National Chengchi University.
•       Submission Period: From now until 5:00 PM on November 11, 2024 (Monday).
•       Winning entries will be announced simultaneously on the official website and our Facebook fan page on December 11, 2024 (Wednesday).

Competition guidelines: https://reurl.cc/lyll6A
Registration form: https://reurl.cc/qvoo7q
Copyright License Agreement: https://reurl.cc/YqGGgl

Contact Information & Further Details
•       Official Website: https://www.eminccu.com/
•       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nccu.emi
•       Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nccu.emi

Those who take part in this competition will receive a special gift from the EMI Resource Center. Participants will be notified by email. We encourage students from NCCU to join the competition.

The NCCU EMI Resource Center