IMBA Family Day is here, connecting alumni and students for stronger network
“Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority.” —Herminia Ibarra, professor of Organizational Behavior and chair in London Business School. It is the annual IMBA Family Day that brings alumni and...
商學院姊妹校博覽會重磅回歸 帶你跨國探索各校文化
由政大商學院國際事務辦公室(OIP)舉辦的商學院姊妹校博覽會「2022:Partner School Fair」,於10月18日下午在商學院1F大廳盛大登場。44位來自17國的交換生,於現場攤位展示母國及母校的文化特色,親切熱情地向政大同學介紹母校的地理環境、歷史文化以及生活資訊,為所有嚮往國際交換生活或有計畫出國的學生排疑解惑,提前認識各國姊妹校。...
2022 NCCUC Partner School Fair is back, building a bridge to 142 prestigious commercial schools overseas
Taken on students’ strong aspirations, the highly expected NCCU College of Commerce (NCCUC) Partner School Fair was back again on 18th October thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the international students and the help from the Office of International Programs...
商學院獲國際商學榮譽學會BGS Honors Chapter殊榮
國際商學榮譽學會Beta Gamma Sigma, International Honor Society(BGS)學會成立於1907年,是AACSB認可的國際學術榮譽團體,旨在鼓勵表揚傑出的商學學生,以及商界有傑出成就的人士。目前會員人數已超過五十萬人,遍及世界一百七十多個國家,是全球最大之商學榮譽學會。只有通過AACSB認證的學校才有成立分會的資格。...
商學院秋季交換生迎新圓滿落幕 疫後聚首更顯珍貴
為迎接來自17國共44位的國際交換生,並協助他們更適應臺灣的生活,本校商學院於中秋節前夕以線上加線下的混合(Hybrid)模式,舉辦了睽違兩年的交換生迎新活動,來自世界各地優秀姊妹校,包含新加坡國立大學(National University of Singapore, NUS)、荷蘭鹿特丹管理學院(Rotterdam School of Management, RSM)、法國諾曼第高等商學院(EM Normandie)以及德國漢堡大學(Universität...
IMBA校友會Hybrid相聚 暢談疫情對各國產業及生活影響
IMBA校友會於5月13日假校長之家,舉辦實體結合線上的Hybrid校友聚會,當天包含IMBA教授何富年以及5位校友親臨現場,同時也有來自上海、菲律賓、泰國、墨西哥、貝里斯、宏都拉斯、波蘭等8國,共16位的海內外校友於線上共襄盛舉,分享疫情期間的生活、各國應對疫情的政策以及未來產業趨勢的看法,儘管分隔多地且久未見面,但大家都把握難得機會暢所欲言,互動熱烈。 16位來自8個國家的校友上線一起暢聊疫情的影響。 不確定性影響未來投資 數位商機露曙光 校友高紀光(George...
商學院首度推出全球創新挑戰先鋒學程 掌握數位亞洲先機
【2022 Global Innovation Challenge】NCCUC Hosts Online English Summer Program ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’
After several months of careful preparations, NCCUC’s 2022 Global Innovation Challenge pioneer program has officially kicked off. The two-week intensive online course titled ‘Advancing the Growth with Digital Asia’ will run from 20th June to 1st July. It is an...
IMBA CAREER TALK “The Taiwanese Job Market”
On April 16th, IMBA students and special guests were delighted to join Ms. Tiffany Pan in a 2-hour session where she went over the most pressing needs for individuals entering the job market in Taiwan as global talents. This comes at a time when the class entered in...