商學院ETP校友回娘家 互動熱烈滿載而歸

商學院ETP校友回娘家 互動熱烈滿載而歸

把握在校期間不自我設限 結合興趣主動尋求實習機會

Life is about finding balance多元體驗找到心之所向

財管系四年級的許靖亞同學問到,學姊為何選擇此時準備研究所?何恬表示在職準備的確相對辛苦,她也鼓勵想前往海外念研究所,尤其想取得海外工作門票的同學們,可以把握在校的時候就開始準備。她也鼓勵在場的所有同學:「Life is about finding balance。」每個人都可以找到屬於自己的心之所向,並且可以思考,若未來三至五年後有機會回到母校分享,會如何跟ETP的學弟妹訴說自己的歷程與故事呢?
美國再保集團商業分析師何恬表示,雖然一開始沒有想過自己會到商學院,但進來後多方嘗試,逐漸了解自己喜歡甚麼,也強調Life is about finding balance,並給大家思考未來被邀請回來時會如何分享自己的故事。
善用ETP資源 儲備職涯國際競爭力

對於能夠進入人人稱羨的外商,國貿系四年級的林庭慧同學請學長分享know -how及面試建議。林奕辰學長表示,當初找工作時值Covid-19疫情,的確遭受不少挫折,所幸ETP學程為自己奠定了堅實的外語能力基礎,讓他在面試時能夠凸顯語言的實力與優勢,


最後統計四學生張晴瑜詢問林奕辰如何展現自己才能較易獲得外商的工作且擁有跨國合作的案件,他再次提到ETP能幫助同學訓練英文能力,因此在面試外商公司時較能凸顯英文實力與優勢。此外他也分享一個跨國團隊開會技巧上的小技巧,由於文化的不同,外國團隊在正式進行業務溝通前,習慣透過small talk暖場,包含週末計畫、天氣等,作為開會暖身,對於會議或是彼此合作會更加順利,這部分也是學弟妹們可以培養與練習的。


商學院於4月27日中午於本院一樓玉山國際廳舉辦「美國伊利諾大學香檳校區商學院(Gies College of Business–University of Illinois at Urbana,以下簡稱UIUC)碩士學程說明會」,超過200名以上學生前往參與,由該院招生專員Ms. Yang Pisani說明並分享UIUC商學院之豐富資源及系所特色。

UIUC曾名列CWUR全球大學排名第20名,該校學員及校友總計共有23次的諾貝爾獎 ( Nobel Prize) 及普立茲獎 ( Pulitzer Prize ) 的獲獎殊榮。此外,UIUC商學院在2022年榮獲美國 MBA Watch平臺評比為前10大商學院的一員,亦曾獲得 U.S. News & World前十大美國商學院的肯定。商學院多年來持續以國際化為本院努力之目標與使命,目前已與全球142所商管學院簽署學術合作協議,其中亦包含UIUC商學院,同學將可透過會計系、資管系及財管系與UIUC商學院簽署之雙聯學位計畫,赴該校攻讀碩士學位。
說明會開始,即由UIUC商學院專員介紹該校的地理位置與校園特色,接著,她也非常熱情的介紹UIUC商學院不同系所的特色與優勢。UIUC商學院提供許多不同領域之專業碩士學程,包括:Master of Science in Accounting (MSA)、Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA)、Master of Science in Finance (MSF)、Master of Science in Financial Engineering (MSFE)、Master of Science in Management (MSM)、Master of Science in Technology Management (MSTM)及
Gies Online (iMBA, iMSM, iMSA)。整體來說,該學院擁有包括完善的教學設備、專屬商學院學生的討論及實驗室、專業的師資團隊、豐富的課外活動等等。她強調,這些資源將有助於學生們獲得更廣泛的知識,並在未來的職場上更具競爭力。


本次說明會除了吸引超過 200 名學生現場參加外,亦同時開設直播服務,讓無法親臨現場的同學也能即時參與。說明會結束後,專員於本院一樓大廳提供個人諮詢服務,與學生對面對進行一對一的諮詢對談,提供更進一步的說明及資訊。參與本次說明會的同學紛紛表示,透過本次活動的參與,對UIUC商學院的了解更加深入,並對該院的教學理念和系所資源感到非常有興趣,未來將考慮申請進入UIUC商學院就讀,以開啟更廣闊的文化及國際視野。
揭秘英語教學小撇步 掌握雙語授課精髓

揭秘英語教學小撇步 掌握雙語授課精髓

政大商學院參與式教學及研究發展辦公室與ETP/EMI Program於4月13日舉辦商院教師專業成長工作坊,本次工作坊主題為「如何有效的用英語教學」。本院特地邀請企管系教師郭曉玲與國貿系教師鍾令德主講,二位老師多次獲得本校學士班英語專業績優課程獎之教師,以自身經歷來分享他們的教學經驗,讓優良的教學知能與技巧能傳承下去。






商學院創新創業學程代表隊 榮獲金融時報責任商管教育獎肯定

商學院創新創業學程代表隊 榮獲金融時報責任商管教育獎肯定

近日,由商學院創新創業學程同學組成的上根(UpRoot)團隊,於英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)責任商管教育獎(Responsible Business Education Awards),榮獲學生主導專案(Student-led project)優勝。這是該團隊繼2021年在有「大學生諾貝爾獎」之稱、由聯合國協辦的商業競賽霍特獎(Hult Prize)榮獲全球優勝後,再次得到國際獎項的肯定。獲頒此項殊榮不僅代表團隊成員具有商學專業知識,對永續議題的熱忱與帶給社會與環境的正面影響力,也驗證商學院接軌國際、重視永續商管教育的辦學成果。
上根團隊於英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)責任商管教育獎(Responsible Business Education Awards),榮獲2023年學生主導專案(Student-led project)優勝。

以此次獲獎的上根團隊為例,呼應聯合國主題「Food for Good」,為了實踐循環經濟,他們使用木薯來代替塑膠製的一次性產品,例如吸管,以解決食物浪費和塑膠問題,得到霍特獎評審的肯定。團隊4名成員來自不同學院,包括經濟系伍朵麗、外交系宮梅琳、中文系呂杰奕及國貿系李佳晉,其中更有2名成員為巴拉圭籍學生。團隊成員呂杰奕分享,籌備比賽時,成員看待事情以及表達的方式都因文化背景而異,也因此激盪出更多層次的想法。在思考解決環境議題的辦法時,商學院的相關課程讓他們可以持續接觸ESG議題,進而提出適當做法。在參與霍特獎比賽期間,商學院更提供國際交流學習獎學金,贊助團隊全員機票、補貼部分生活費,在擬定創辦人協議(Founders Agreement)時,創新創業辦公室亦協助邀請教授提供團隊在財務、法律面的諮詢。這些有形與無形的資源,對於上根團隊不管是參與競賽,或是設立公司,都帶來非常大的幫助。

一直以來,政大商學院以「培育多元學生族群成為具備國際視野、創新活力、專業素養和倫理思維的未來領導人」為使命,我們希望培育出來的商管人才,不僅具備解決未來問題的能力,也能夠從更宏觀的角度思考商業策略,包括省思對於利害關係人應肩負的責任,或是對社會與環境的影響,讓企業能夠與社會和環境共榮,朝向永續發展。責任商管教育獎的目的,是肯定全球商管學院對社會責任教育的貢獻,未來政大商學院將會繼續鼓勵學生積極參與各項活動,為環境、社 會帶來正面影響力。
2023 Hult Prize OnCampus Competition at NCCU: A Huge Success

2023 Hult Prize OnCampus Competition at NCCU: A Huge Success

The 2023 Hult Prize OnCampus Competition at NCCU was without a doubt an impressive success. The collaboration of NCCU students, the NCCU administration along with the brave organizing committee made it possible.

Hult Prize challenge is an initiative that vows to encourage students around the world to innovate and create social enterprises to solve the world's most pressing social issue, it is an open platform for social welfare. This year's challenge is to create an innovative social venture in the clothing and fashion industry to make it more sustainable. The NCCU students proudly responded to this call for the challenge with their innovative business ideas. With a total of nine participating teams, the NCCU challenge this year was welcomed greatly by the students.

Participating teams from NCCU accompanied by the organizing team in the finals at National Taipei University of Technology.
The OnCampus Program at NCCU was organized from October 3rd, 2022 to January 14th, 2023 where the finals were held together with 4 other universities in Taipei. The OnCampus Program was divided into different phases; we had the competition orientation to guide students about the challenge; we had 3 workshops and lectures where different professors and scholars of different backgrounds such as marketing, business development, and startup experts came and delivered lectures to competing teams. There was also a mentoring session where teams were matched on a one and one basis with a mentor to guide them with their business proposal and answering any lingering question. Lastly, the preliminary round, where 6 teams were retained, who eventually went on to represent NCCU at the finals held at NTUT (National Taipei University of Technology) on 14th January, 2023. 
NCCU OnCampus winning team: Fabreco.
The 2023 Hult Prize Challenge finals were organized along with 4 other Universities which comprised of; National Taiwan University, National Taipei University of Technology, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Taipei University. A total of 30 teams from the respective schools participated in the finals. The NCCU teams who took part in the finals were Enshade, Sustainia, COSET, Rhyme, and Fabreco. Fabreco would eventually be crowned as the winning team for NCCU and will move on to the quarterfinals in March and then to the regionals that will be held later this year. The Fabreco team expresses their gratitude to a number of stakeholders namely: to the organizing team, NCCU OIE (Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, College of Commerce), and other partners and individuals for their help. Angelica, a candidate for Ph.D. in political science and sustainability at NCCU and the CEO of Fabreco wanted to express how happy she felt: “It feels unreal, we worked so hard for that. At the beginning, we were lost and then we went step by step, we asked almost 20 different people for help and we made it”. She revealed that teamwork made the dream work and this is proof that together and with good determination, we can make great things.
2023 NCCU Organizing Team and Student Ambassadors.
Of course, the 2023 OnCampus Program would not be possible without the help of a strong team, composed of 10 members of the organizing committee: The Campus Director – Bolortungalag Enkhjargal, Logistics team – Brianna Deterville and Christinne Jean Louis, Public Relations team – Maria J. Reyes, Emely Villars, Marketing & Design team – Isabela Hernandez and the Activity Management team – Maria Fernanda Ramos, Eric Chen, Adneissa Christy Aleezy and Christina Jean Louis. We also had the support of our brave ambassador team composed of Tseng Pin-Hua, Chang Chia-Chieh, Chuang Yung-Chun, Chen Wen-Hsi, and Lee Yun.

The Campus Director, Bella, a Sophomore in International College of Innovation at NCCU conveys: “I am feeling so accomplished right now and I am grateful that this competition has been a success, couldn't ask for more. Always trust in your team and build a common objective and that will be the key to your success”. She also took time to thank the NCCU administration, in particular, the OIE and ICI office administration for their support, and of course the best organizing team ever, determined, disciplined, and bound to a common objective and for sure the student ambassadors who played an important role in accompanying the organizing committee.

The 2023 Hult Prize competition crew at NCCU would like to congratulate the teams on their massive efforts and express congratulations to Fabreco for winning first place and wishes good luck to Fabreco and other teams who will be participating in the quarterfinals and regionals this year. Fabreco has great examples of previous NCCU teams who has made it far in the competition such as in 2015 where “IMPCT” was the Hult Prize Global Finals winner, in 2021 “MAMAFU” qualified for the Global Accelerator and in 2021 “Uproot” was the Global Finals winner, and we hope that again in 2023, Fabreco and other NCCU teams will make history and win the 1 million USD prize at the Global Finals that will be held in Paris this year.

On stage at the final competition. NCCU participating team: enshade.
On stage at the final competition. NCCU participating team: enshade.
2023 Spring Exchange Students’ Orientation and Cultural Tour

2023 Spring Exchange Students’ Orientation and Cultural Tour

On February 9th, 97 students from 19 countries of NCCUC’s exchange student joined the orientation and cultural tour in Yilan County hosted by the Office of International Programs. The one-day tour in Eastern Taiwan allows exchange students to indulge in Taiwanese cuisine, interact with local students and gain a better understanding of the Taiwanese culture.

To start the day, International Programs Ambassadors (IPAs) prepared a series of interesting ice-breaking activities for exchange student to experience different aspects of Taiwanese culture. Took the egg sampling section for example, after trying iron egg, century egg, tea egg and hot spring egg respectively, volunteers from France had a closer look at the charm of Taiwanese cuisine by their own senses of taste. During the orientation, the ambassadors not only introduced NCCU in details from administration system to survival guide, but also guided the exchange students around campus, giving them a clearer picture of their future everyday life.
The egg sampling section gave volunteers a closer look at the charm of Taiwanese cuisine by their own senses of taste. One of the volunteers described the taste of century egg as the socks you wear for two weeks.

The first stop of in Eastern Taiwan trip was to enjoy authentic cuisine at Shi Yuan Restaurant(石園古早味餐廳). Although some of the exchange students were too afraid to give the five spice powder squid (白灼五味小卷) a try because of the look, Amadis from Bocconi University shared that the specific cuisine was his favorite. Speaking of the most memorable cuisine, Kimrun from Aston Business School voted for Gao Jha (糕渣), the jelly texture, the blend of chicken soup and shrimp amazed her and reminded her of the popular hot dish from her home town, fish and chips. Moreover, she mentioned that it was rare to see the whole chicken with head in European cuisine, which made the chicken with fermented bean curd (豆腐乳雞) a very interesting dish. However, you would never know if you didn’t give it a try, the sweet and salty flavor amazed her so much.
It was rare to see the whole chicken with head in European cuisine, which made the chicken with fermented bean curd (豆腐乳雞) an interesting dish to the exchange students. However, it received much positive responses.

In order to make the exchange students feel more involved, the considerate Office of International Programs (OIP) also arranged a bamboo rice DIY at Ama Zhangmei Farm. (張美阿嬤農場) During the hands-on process, they got to know more about Asian ingredients like dried mushrooms and dried shrimp while learning the aboriginal cooking method. Later on, was the highly expected animal feeding session, the exchange students were all thrilled to take selfies with the fluffy sheep and capybaras in person.

Exchange students learned the process of making bamboo rice. They stirred sticky rice, dried shrimps and mushroom juice together and scooped the mixture into the bamboo tubes. Next, they were taught to seal the tub.
As a must-visit tourist attraction in Yilan County, Luodong Night Market conquered Monica from Prague University with the variety of cuisines that it could offer, especially the bubble milk tea with brown sugar. She explained that there are actually many Taiwanese restaurants in her home country, Czech Republic, however, the price is much more expensive than that in Taiwan. As a consequence, the night market of cheap and tasty snacks left her an impressive memory.

Caroline Wu (吳冠葶) the ambassador from Department of Risk Management and Insurance mentioned that the tour trip not only aimed to create a memorable time for exchange students’ first adventure in Taiwan, but also wanted to provide them an opportunity to get along and feel at home by knowing each other before the semester get started. As a result, they could fit in well in Taiwan and enjoy the rest of the semester in NCCUC.

Jessika from Aalto University who used to be a vegetarian out of love for animals also shared that she is not going to go veg in the rest of her exchange duration for fear of missing any must-eat. After all, who can resist this exotic country with a verity of amazing cuisine and culture!
Ama Zhangmei Farm provided grass blades for exchange students to experience close-up feeding and interaction of alpacas, sika deer, capybaras and many other lovely animals.