展翅高飛 胸懷世界 歡迎38名新會員入BGS政大分會

展翅高飛 胸懷世界 歡迎38名新會員入BGS政大分會

國際商學榮譽學會(Beta Gamma Sigma,BGS)政大分會於12月19日在商學院六樓義育廳舉行第16屆會員入會授證儀式。今年總計有38位來自商學院不同科系背景的新成員,在本次的授證儀式中獲證成為BGS新會員。

商學院副院長陳嬿如介紹BGS及政大分會後,隨機地邀請會員們分享今後期望從BGS取得何種資源,以及將如何為政大分會盡一份心以提升自己與政大分會的榮譽。同學們紛紛表示將會繼續在學業上保持優秀表現,也希望在國內或國外繼續深造,取得更高的成就表現。更期望可以透過此榮譽,與國際化的企業連結,提升自我職涯發展的深度與廣度,並且有更多機會可以參與國際化的研討會,藉機了解和接觸更多職涯發展的機會。她提醒大家秉持「There is no limitation and there is no impossibility.」的信念,勉勵大家作為國際榮譽學會BGS的一員,大膽地做任何想做的事,不要被環境所侷限束縛。期許各位會員勇敢追求夢想,展現最優秀的一面,並傳承給下一個世代。

ESG和負責任AI現況趨勢論壇 產學專家跨國線上交流

ESG和負責任AI現況趨勢論壇 產學專家跨國線上交流

國立政治大學商學院與美國加州州立大學蒙灣分校商學院11月3日合作辦理「ESG和負責任AI的現況與趨勢:太平洋兩岸國際供應鏈與科技領域專家的跨域對話」(The Current and Future State of ESG and Responsible AI, A Trans-Pacific Dialogue between Experts in International Supply Chain and Technology),邀請來自產學界的演講者深究ESG領域與AI科技所帶來的機會與挑戰。


政大企業管理學系教授羅明琇為首位演講者,帶領聽者解讀綠色供應鏈的數據與現況。她認為,淨零碳排(Net Zero)已成為全球共同目標,也已有超過1003家公司制定相關計畫,「這1003家公司不單只是公司,而是1003條綠色供應鏈。」她也點出政策、成本與合作是臺灣企業在此領域發展的最大困難,並指出企業面臨挑戰時的共同反應:試圖使用AI。因此,她認爲針對綠色供應鏈,導入AI輔助能為企業提高效率,且透過AI工具的支持,可以為企業建立一個「永續的供應鏈」。

另外兩位講者分別是加州州立大學蒙灣分校副教授Jennifer Kuan以及加州大學聖克魯斯分校助理教授劉洋。Jennifer Kuan著重討論碳市場現況,她表示,碳與其他溫室氣體產生許多「負面外部性」,並指出找到解決碳排和氣候變化的有效方法極具挑戰性,但同時也認為,建立高效的「碳抵銷市場」是一個具展望的方式。


座談期間,談及「未來大學可以如何更好地培養學生,以面對ESG和負責任AI。」Jennifer Kuan直言,這對學校而言是一項挑戰,需要不斷地在課程中進行相關的討論。劉洋也分享,目前任教學校已開設相關課程,讓學生了解領域現況以及技術的應用前景。羅明琇則認為透過與業界、非營利組織建立合作關係,能讓學生汲取實踐經驗,搭建學術理論與實際應用的重要橋樑。此外她也建議,學校可以成立專注於永續主題的研究中心,如同政大商學院信義書院提供許多資源給師生,對學生學習永續專業知識、與商業世界接軌十分有益處。

論壇最後,陶翼青表示AI 技術的發展令人興奮,勉勵學術界與企業界一起學習、共同合作,持續研究與推動,讓這個世界變得更好、更永續。
企管系教授羅明琇主講「臺灣綠色供應鏈之發展_ 機會與挑戰」。(照片來源:信義書院)
商學院ETP校友分享會 鼓勵同學善用資源踏出舒適圈

商學院ETP校友分享會 鼓勵同學善用資源踏出舒適圈

商學院英語商管專班(English Taught Program,以下簡稱ETP)於10月27日傍晚在逸仙樓舉辦「ETP同樂會──校友回娘家分享」,邀請到現任國泰世華數據分析師陳世恒、Google資深客戶經理林子琛兩位優秀學長,百忙之中回到ETP,和同學們分享自己的求學與職業生涯,以及曾經在ETP學習、獲得的知識和經驗,如何成為人生旅途上珍貴的養分,一點一滴幫助他們澆灌出如今的成就。




「Eventually, all the dots will connect.」活動的最後,陳世恆引用了 Steve Jobs 的名言,勉勵同學們在ETP多方嘗試各種體驗,勇於踏出舒適圈,總有一天,所有曾經學過的技能、建立的友誼、習得的經驗都會被串連起來,在無法預知的時間點發揮意想不到的作用。林子琛也再次感謝ETP帶來的溫暖和收穫,他認為ETP給予同學們更多精進自我,開闊眼界的機會,激發出學生的內在潛力,讓「ETPers」能夠做好準備,迎接未來種種挑戰。
商學院英語商管專班(ETP)定期舉辦「校友回娘家分享會」,邀請畢業學長姐分享出國留學或工作經驗,希望學生能藉此對未來生涯規劃 有更多想法。
ETP校友林子琛分享自己的「業務職涯之路」 ——如何從一位小實習生蛻變成如今的Google資深客戶經理。他鼓勵同學們把握住每一個能充實自我的機會,累積經驗,讓自己逐步成長。
Stories from Alumni Inspired Current Students, Highlighting the Importance of Networking at the NCCUC ETP Gathering

Stories from Alumni Inspired Current Students, Highlighting the Importance of Networking at the NCCUC ETP Gathering

It is the English Taught Program (ETP) Alumni Sharing Event on Friday, October 27th that brings NCCUC ETP alumni and students together, providing current students a platform to expand their networks. The sharing this semester took place at Yi Xian Building (逸仙樓), featuring alumni Eric Chen (陳世恒) from Department of Risk Management and Insurance and Randy Lin (林子琛) from Department of Business Administration. They shared insights into the benefits they derived from the ETP program and discussed their career path after graduation. Through their valuable sharing, participants not only gained a deeper appreciation for the meticulous planning of the ETP program, but also draw valuable lessons from their experiences.
The Alumni Sharing Event is regularly held by the English Taught Program(ETP).
Eric shared that the interdisciplinary and immersive learning experiences provided by ETP instilled him the courage to speak, which he found to be more important than merely mastering impeccable grammar. Additionally, he got the opportunity to work as a team with students from various Departments, developing networking connections. As a Data Analyst in Cathy United Bank, Eric described his current job to be more than just about coding, but the ability of storytelling and teamworking. He also reminded the participants to treat everyone nicely. “You never know when your paths may cross again in the future.” He illustrated the awkward reunion with his not-so-closed buddy back in NCCU during exchange program in Spain as an example. “We unexpectedly ran into each other almost every day in the cafeteria.”
ETP alumnus Eric Chen (陳世恒) shared his “bumpy” career path and how he stood up again and again with current ETP students, hoping that they could draw valuable lessons from his past frustrations.
During his ETP experience sharing, Randy highlighted the invaluable benefits of ETP such as debate and CV writing classes, which are definitely helpful in the long run. ETP not only provides more straightforward terminology compared to translated equivalents but also fosters students’ ability to think in English. Drawing from his job-hopping experiences from an intern to Google Senior Account Manager, Randy emphasized the significance of networking, as these connections can prove pivotal when confronting career challenges or even lead to ideal job opportunities. Moreover, he also encouraged fellow students to capture every opportunity that could challenge themselves and accumulate various experiences until they reach the goal.
ETP alumnus Randy Lin (林子琛) shared his “Career Path of Sales”. which included how he transformed from an intern to Google Senior Account Manager. He encouraged fellow students to capture every opportunity that can challenge themselves and accumulate various experiences until they reach the goal. It invites graduates to share their experiences of studying and working abroad, hoping to inspire students to have more ideas about future career planning.
Curiosity about the daily life of an account manager at Google brought Erin Chen (陳奕伶), senior student from Department of Business Administration, to the sharing event. Erin understood what Randy had gained from the experiences at those previous international companies and what ultimately led him to choose Google. She was not only intrigued by the compelling stories behind the alumni but also appreciated their authenticity in sharing both their career and personal journeys. Undoubtedly, she had took valuable lessons from them.

Through the sharing event, Jason Chiu (邱云谷) from Department of Management Information Systems had the opportunity to connect with industry insiders in person. Their insights and experience sharing provided him with a much clearer understanding of what to prepare for and expect from both internships and exchange programs. As a result, he realized the preparation required and the optimal time management necessary to streamline the exchange program application process. “I hadn't thought about these aspects in such detail before, but the alumni's thorough sharing has been incredibly enlightening." Jason expressed.

Following his sharing on his “bumpy” career path and how he stood up again and again with current ETP students, Eric draw inspiration from Steve Jobs by quoting him, emphasizing that “eventually, all the dots will connect”. “We might not always see the immediate value in what we are doing now,’ he noted, “but down the road, you will recognize how a particular activity, person, or even skill becomes invaluable.”
The best thing about the ETP Alumni Sharing Event was that outstanding alumni who have experienced the program were willing to address inquiries from current students in person.
NCCUC Hosted the 2023 Pre-PIM Conference Megatrends of Business Education, Uniting Members with Ample Networking Opportunities

NCCUC Hosted the 2023 Pre-PIM Conference Megatrends of Business Education, Uniting Members with Ample Networking Opportunities

On October 23, 2023, the highly anticipated PRE-Partnership in International Management Conference (PRE-PIM Conference) took place at the College of Commerce at National Chengchi University (NCCUC), a leading business school in Taiwan. The event offered plenty of networking opportunities for the participants before the 2023 PIM Conference. Furthermore, the participants, who come from prestigious business institutions around the world gained insights into NCCUC and deepened their understanding of Taiwan, the island nation that has played a significant role in the high-tech industry in recent years.
The Pre-PIM Conference offered ample networking opportunities for the participants.
The Conference commenced with a warm welcome from Professor Yenn-Ru Chen, the Associate Dean for International Affairs of the School. She emphasized NCCUC's pursuit of global engagements since its affiliation with PIM in 2018. The School cherishes its partnership with globally renowned business schools for greatly expanding international learning opportunities for its students. Following Professor Chen’s welcome remark, the International Programs Ambassadors (IPAs) gave a comprehensive and engaging introduction to both Taiwan and NCCUC. Through their presentations, they unveiled Taiwan's unique attributes, from its beautiful scenery, friendly people, and delectable cuisine to its vibrant festivals, world-class industries, and everyday life of students.
Professor Yenn-Ru Chen, the Associate Dean for International Affairs Professor extended a warm welcome and highlighted NCCUC’s global engagement mission. nurturing future business leaders through international partnerships.
The event also featured a discussion on “Innovations and Challenges in Business Education,” presented by Professor Kwei Tang(唐揆), Dean’s Fellow and the Allison and Nancy Schleicher Chair of Management Emeritus at Purdue University. He offered his observations on the evolving business landscape, using the strategic initiatives of Purdue University as an example. He used the undergraduate major in integrating business and engineering as an example to show the effort of the business school to work closely with Purdue’s prestigious engineering school. During his presentation, Tang also shared his findings in analyzing the innovation cases reported by some member schools of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Notably, Tang underscored that updating academic curricula often lags behind in most institutions and used an example to demonstrate the difficulties of proposing new courses in practice. He indicated the importance of experiential learning and strategic designs of co-curricula to help students understand business practice and develop soft skills.
Professor Kwei Tang, Chair professor emeritus of Purdue University, presented his observations on “Innovations and Challenges in Business Education.”
Beatrix Dart, a professor and academic director teaching business strategy at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, acknowledged the immense potential of technology in the business world. However, she urged a focus on the social impacts of technology, stating, "How to make the world more sustainable, fair, and inclusive for everyone through technology is of paramount importance." Patricia Collins, associate director of MBA programs at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, further underscored the value of exchange programs as a means to gain insights from other countries and apply that knowledge in their own courses. She stated, “Everyone has something valuable to bring back home.”
The International Programs Ambassadors (IPAS) presented an engaging and detailed introduction to both Taiwan and NCCUC.
Following a brief tour of the downhill campus after the speech, Collins mentioned that the buildings at NCCUC reminded her of an old college campus. “It is very convenient and easy to walk from building to building, very efficient.” Her observation highlighted both the aesthetics and practicality of NCCU's campus design, offering a delightful blend of tradition and modern functionality.

Diana Hehle from the University of Cologne seized the opportunity to visit NCCUC. The University of Cologne and NCCUC have maintained a robust, long-term partnership, facilitating the exchange of a high number of students each semester. Lim expressed her perspective, saying, “So far, we have received reports from students, but seeing things with my own eyes has made a significant difference. Now I can describe the experience to students beyond just relying on pictures. The Pre-Conference at NCCUC undeniably deepened the understanding and connection between our two institutions.”
IPA Caroline Wu and professor Beatrix Dart engaging in a conversation about NCCU’s mix of traditional, modern and efficient campus.
In the afternoon, the participants visited the TSMC Museum of Innovation in Hsinchu, where they delved into the remarkable journey of TSMC and its innovative business model in integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing and product applications. The museum is divided into three engaging galleries. The first, "A World of Innovation," provided participants with a firsthand experience of how ICs have enriched our lives through Virtual Reality Devices. In the subsequent gallery, "Unleashing Innovation," they explored how TSMC has contributed to global innovation. The final gallery shed light on the childhood and education of Dr. Morris Chang, the founder of TSMC. Given TSMC’s manufacturing of over 60% of the world’s semiconductors, including over 90% of the most advanced ones, a deeper exploration of TSMC is not only essential for understanding the company but also for gaining insights into Taiwan's significance in the semiconductor industry.

In contrast to Canada, Taiwan emerges as a dynamic and relatively youthful nation, characterized by a remarkable proclivity for adaptation and swift evolution. Collins expressed her keen interest in exploring commonalities among different countries as they navigate sustainability through new technology in their distinctive yet appropriate ways. In an era where knowledge knows no borders, NCCUC aspires for the 2023 Pre-PIM Conference to foster global collaboration and innovation in the field of business education, following the guiding principles of PIM.
Participants visited the TSMC Museum of Innovation in Hsinchu.
Unlocking the Future: 2024 NCCU IMBA Information Session

Unlocking the Future: 2024 NCCU IMBA Information Session

On Saturday, October 21st, the 6th floor of the Commerce building at National Chengchi University (NCCU) came alive with the promise of exciting opportunities. Over 200 prospective students registered for 2024 NCCU's IMBA Information Session, eager to explore the world of possibilities that this renowned program offers.

The event kicked off promptly at 10:30 am with a warm welcome from Yao Wang, a second-year student and the event host. Yao set the stage for the informative and engaging session that awaited the eager audience. He highlighted the exciting program ahead, showcasing six prominent speakers who would share invaluable insights into the NCCU IMBA experience.
Professor Jason Tsai, Director of the IMBA Program, introducing a wealth of information on the IMBA Program.
he first speaker was Professor Jason Tsai, the Director of the IMBA Program at NCCU. He illuminated the distinctive features of the NCCU IMBA, including being the first English MBA program in Taiwan, the only PIM Member in the country, and the first dual-accredited MBA program. Professor Tsai emphasized the diverse composition of the student body, which comprises international and local students and offers opportunities for student exchange and dual-degree programs.

Participants are all smiles here for the Family Day Thai dessert class led by the current student, Chalothorn.
He also highlighted the broad range of academic backgrounds, such as management and information technology, and noted the international and local professors contributing to the program's diversity. With an emphasis on the curriculum, he detailed the concentration areas in management in Asia, entrepreneurship, marketing, and finance, along with dynamic learning experiences through company visits. Moreover, Professor Tsai proudly mentioned the 2015 Hult Prize won by IMBA students and the flexibility of the program, designed to accommodate full-time working individuals. He shared inspiring stories of IMBA alumni who have successfully switched careers and are now thriving in their respective fields. Professor Tsai assured prospective students that the IMBA program is a valuable stepping stone toward developing future global leaders.

He also touched upon the program's costs, credit requirements, and scholarship opportunities for both local and international students. Lastly, Professor Tsai provided insights into the admission criteria, which include a minimum of two years of professional experience, English proficiency, and relevant academic degrees.

Following Professor Tsai, Trisha Lionel, the President of the IMBA Student Council, shared her personal journey and experiences within the IMBA program. Originally from St. Lucia, she ventured to NCCU to pursue her IMBA degree. She expressed her deep appreciation for the ICDF scholarship, a significant contributor to her journey, emphasizing the strong diplomatic relations between Taiwan and her home country St Lucia.

Trisha introduced the IMBA Student Council, which plays a pivotal role in connecting students with the administration, alumni, corporations, local communities, and other MBA programs. She elaborated on the three core goals of the Council: Empowerment, Connection, and Collaboration. The Council actively promotes engagement through various initiatives, including talks, seminars, networking events, and leisure activities. Trisha encouraged prospective students to explore the rich tapestry of opportunities NCCU IMBA program offers.

The next speaker, Richard Huang, a former dual degree program student, spoke about his experience of completing two master's degrees simultaneously, offering a unique perspective on the IMBA program. Richard highlighted the advantages of spending a year at a prestigious university, immersing himself in new cultures, languages, and ideas.

His decision to pursue a dual degree program was influenced by various factors, including program details, degree offerings, the location of the partner university, and the culture of the host country. He shared his experiences at Wirtschafts University of Economics and Business in Vienna, Austria, mentioning the support services available, such as the buddy program, campus life, and student networks.

Richard delved into the specifics of his study plan, the credits needed for the dual degree program, and various elective options. He also discussed the residency permit, documentation requirements for Vienna, accommodation options, and the cost of living. Richard's personal journey included adventures, and personal growth. He recommended applying for scholarships, preparing early, signing up for orientation and language courses, taking part in school events, and joining department clubs. Richard concluded by emphasizing the transformative nature of the IMBA Dual Degree program.

Following Richard’s presentation, Taro Tseng, a member of the NCCU IMBA alumni board, shared her invaluable journey during the Information Session. Taro's impressive professional background includes roles such as a BDM/Field Sales expert in Security Scorecard, an accomplished stint as a BDM at COMPAL, and a dual-degree experience at Audencia Business School (France) in tandem with NCCU IMBA. Her journey is a testament to the diverse opportunities the program offers.

Taro's presentation revolved around three core themes: Why NCCU IMBA, 3 Things I Learned from IMBA, and Words of Wisdom for New Entrants (Give & Take). Taro conveyed her motivations for choosing NCCU IMBA. She highlighted the program's potential as a catalyst for career transformation, offering opportunities for career advancement and facilitating dual-degree pursuits. Taro underscored the program's global-local approach, first-in-Taiwan status, and the rich tapestry of its alumni network, all of which contribute to its distinctive allure.

Taro shared profound lessons from her IMBA journey. She emphasized the importance of self-awareness, encouraging students to focus on their goals, maximize their strengths, and develop practical problem-solving skills. Networking held a special place in her narrative, with Taro advocating for active participation in events, tapping into an extensive alumni network, and venturing out of comfort zones. Her global perspective from a dual-degree experience illuminated the significance of embracing diverse cultures and thriving in the real global business world.

Ozkan Kocabiyik, an IMBA alumnus and former captain of the Dragon Boat Team, shared his experiences and insights. Ozkan discussed the need to step out of one's comfort zone and embrace new challenges, emphasizing how the IMBA program helped him become a better speaker and presenter through various class assignments.

Time management emerged as a crucial aspect of Ozkan's journey, as he balanced both social life and studies. He acknowledged that students might face intense semesters but stressed the importance of prioritization and teamwork. Ozkan celebrated the vibrant social life that NCCU offers, encouraging students to immerse themselves in activities like clubbing, hiking, and making new friends. He emphasized the diverse student body, which provides opportunities to interact with people from all corners of the world.

As an investment, Ozkan viewed the IMBA program as a stepping stone to personal and professional growth, offering various leadership roles within the program and clubs. He credited his role as the Dragon Boat Team captain for boosting his confidence and leadership skills. Ozkan concluded by urging students to seize the opportunity to be leaders, practice their soft skills, and cherish the valuable experiences that the IMBA program offers.

The final speaker, Peter Huang, a second-year IMBA student, shared his insights into the program as a current student. Fluent in English, Mandarin, and Japanese, with over five years of work experience in the tech industry, Peter provided a unique perspective. Peter elaborated on why he chose the IMBA program, citing its international environment, diverse background, English-taught courses, double-degree and exchange programs, and extensive connections. He emphasized the need to attend classes in person, with options available on both weekdays and weekends.

Moreover, Peter highlighted the program's focus on business-related topics, case studies, and English-taught courses, providing students with an international perspective. He underscored that IMBA life extends beyond the classroom, with various activities like beach trips and outings. The diverse student body at NCCU fosters interaction with people from all around the world, enhancing the overall learning experience. Peter encouraged students to invest in themselves through the IMBA program and defined it as the best investment for personal and professional growth.

After an engaging question and answer segment, the anticipation of the day was far from over. Lunch boxes, brimming with flavors, were handed out, and attendees had the opportunity to interact with alumni and the IMBA Director, Professor Jason Tsai. The camaraderie and shared enthusiasm for the IMBA program filled the room.

As the sun painted the afternoon sky with its warm hues, the excitement moved to the next event: a vibrant Family Day held at the President's house. This joyful gathering was orchestrated by the IMBA office in collaboration with the Student Council, promising an afternoon of pure delight and family-friendly fun.

The event was a wonderful mix of current IMBA students, esteemed Alumni, the President of the IMBA Alumni Association (IMBAA), Yenlan Lin, and the President of the IMBA program himself, Professor Jason Tsai. Attendees were treated to a delicious spread of delectable finger foods and refreshing drinks.

In the first session, participants got to explore the flavors of Thailand with a delightful dessert called "bua loy." Current student Chalothorn and her assistant Peter, led the way in crafting this delectable treat. Bua loy is a Thai rice ball and coconut milk dessert, known for its sweet and aromatic qualities. Participants rolled up their sleeves, got hands-on with the ingredients, and immersed themselves in the art of Thai dessert making.

The second session was equally exciting, featuring a culinary adventure into the heart of Saint Lucia. Current student Trisha Lionel, assisted by Saija took the lead in guiding participants in making St. Lucian fish cakes. This dish is a true embodiment of the Caribbean's vibrant culinary heritage, blending the rich flavors of fish, local spices, and herbs. The preparation and cooking of these fish cakes were as much a cultural exploration as a culinary one.

Beyond the culinary adventures, there were other engaging activities to choose from. Julia hosted a session on Chinese calligraphy, inviting participants to explore the art of brush and ink. The strokes on paper told stories of creativity and expression, connecting participants to the beauty of this ancient art form. For those with a competitive spirit, a variety of board games were available, hosted by Jose and Adriana. Laughter, strategy, and friendly rivalries filled the room as attendees engaged in a playful battle of wits and strategy. The fun then spilled outside, where the atmosphere was perfect for some friendly games of badminton. Nichamon led the charge, and the spirited games added an active dimension to the festivities.

The NCCU IMBA Information Session and the IMBA Family Day at the President's house were two remarkable events that showcased the essence of our vibrant IMBA community. The Information Session provided invaluable insights into the program, offering a glimpse of the incredible opportunities and remarkable success stories that await prospective IMBA students. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their active engagement and interest in our program. We eagerly anticipate welcoming new members to our global community of future leaders.

IMBA Family Day was a perfect continuation of the sense of camaraderie and cultural exploration that defines the NCCU IMBA experience. The shared experiences of creating Thai desserts and St. Lucian fish cakes, engaging in calligraphy and board games, and bonding over a friendly game of badminton, all reflected the diversity and unity within our IMBA family. We express our sincere thanks to everyone who joined us for this memorable day, making it a true celebration of our global community. The bonds formed and the memories created will continue to flourish as we move forward on our journey to a brighter future. Cheers to the NCCU IMBA family! 
All smiles as Students and Alumni gather for IMBA Family Day Event.