2023 NCCUC Partner School Fair: Bridging the Gap to 59 Prestigious Business Schools Overseas
Fueled by the students’ unwavering aspirations, NCCU College of Commerce (NCCUC) Partner School Fair made a triumphant return on October 18 thanks to the enthusiastic participation of international students and the great support of the Office of International Programs...
Navigating the IMBA Journey: Insights from the 2023 Orientation and Welcome Party
The annual IMBA Orientation for the year 2023, held on Saturday, September 9th, at the Yiyu Hall Building of Commerce, marked the beginning of a transformative journey for a new cohort of students. The event was a blend of information, inspiration, and camaraderie,...
未來領袖的第一堂課 IMBA「領導與團隊」課程落幕
為讓新加入IMBA的同學們可以全新的心態和能量,投入接下來的碩士課程,政大商學院IMBA於9月1日至3日為54位來自不同國家的新生們,舉辦為期三天兩夜的年度必修課「領導與團隊」,期望同學們能透過本次課程凝聚團隊向心力,並對於領導力有初步的認識與體驗。 以3L精神培養領導力和團隊合作精神 為期三天兩夜的課程由IMBA執行長蔡政憲親自揭開序幕,並強調本次課程的核心精神3L,亦即Learning, Leading, and...
商學院交換生新訓暨文化之旅 遊宜蘭體驗美好臺灣
政大商學院國際事務辦公室於9月6日,為156位來自各國姐妹校的國際交換生,舉辦新生訓練暨宜蘭文化之旅,儘管只有短短的一天,就讓這些遠來的稀客們驚艷於臺灣的美食、美景與多元豐富的文化,為接下來的交換學習生活,開啟美好的序幕。 政大商學院國際事務辦公室於9月6日,為156 位來自各國姐妹校的國際交換生,舉辦新生訓練暨宜蘭的文化之旅。...
2023 Fall NCCUC Exchange Students’ Orientation and Culture Tour – Taking a closer look at the north east part of this exotic island with NCCUC OIP office by taste buds and other senses
On September 6th, 2023, 156 NCCUC exchange students from all over the world joined the orientation and cultural tour in Yilan County hosted by the Office of International Programs, NCCUC. The one-day tour in north east Taiwan allowed exchange students to indulge in...
IMBA Leadership and Team Building Camp: Nurturing Tomorrow’s Leaders
In a world where effective leadership and teamwork are paramount, The IMBA Department of the National Chengchi University recently hosted an inspiring Leadership and Team Building Camp for 54 International Master of Business Administration (IMBA) students from diverse...
NCCU IMBA Team Makes Waves in Hult Prize Semifinal, Proposing Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Production Uniform
The talented team "To-gether(土ogether)" from National Chengchi University's International MBA (IMBA) program made a significant impact at the highly anticipated Hult Prize Global Semifinal in Mumbai. Comprising four students with diverse backgrounds—Leo Lee, Yaninee...
Unleashing the IMBAders power of diversity and unity in the Taipei International Dragon Boat Championship : Triumph in Camaraderie
The highly-anticipated Taipei International Dragon Boat Championships (臺北國際龍舟錦標賽) was held at the Dajia Riverside Park (大佳河濱公園), on June 22nd, 2023. It was a beautiful sunny day with clear, vibrant blue skies, complementing the scenic atmosphere bustling with...
沙烏地阿拉伯駐臺代表蒞校演講 回顧過去歷史 展望未來願景
外交系「區域研究-中東國際關係」課程於6月7日邀請沙烏地阿拉伯駐臺代表艾德爾(Adel F. Althaidi)以「Saudi Arabia: Vision 2030 and Saudi-Taiwan Trade Relationship」(沙烏地阿拉伯:願景2030及沙臺貿易關係)為題發表演說。艾德爾代表為資深的外交官員,熟稔外交事務與國際政治,現為沙烏地阿拉伯商務辦事處駐臺北代表。本場演講由政大外交系和阿文系主辦,沙烏地阿拉伯商務辦事處協辦。 代表、與會貴賓、全體師生合影留念。前排左起阿語系教授張景安、Adel F....