教育部首屆培力英檢菁英獎 本校學生獲殊榮

教育部首屆培力英檢菁英獎 本校學生獲殊榮


舉凡報考「培力英檢」的考生,其一年內的聽說讀寫測驗成績每項都達到CEFR B2程度即符合獲獎資格,並受邀參加頒獎典禮,獎項則分為三種:首獎(CEFR C1)、二獎(CEFR B2+)以及三獎(CEFR B2),本次政大的同學得獎者共53位,其中達二獎的同學11位,獲獎人數僅次於臺大,而本次代表政大獲二獎之代表,為政大金融學系學生蕭安蓁、英國語文學系學生闕永穎。




培力英檢為教育部補助財團法人語言訓練中心(LTTC)研發辦理,特別針對國內大專校院學生之求學、就業需求而量身設計的測驗,目的在於協助學生在修習 EMI課程時,更了解自己的英語能力,並可作為畢業前、升學與求職之英語能力證明。目前測驗不需報考費用,降低同學們的報考門檻與壓力,而表現優異者還可以拿到校內外豐富的獎勵金,聽說讀寫四項成績達 CEFR B2 以上的同學,可以獲得 LTTC的「培力英檢菁英獎」。


商院交換生新生訓練 走訪宜蘭進行沉浸式文化體驗

商院交換生新生訓練 走訪宜蘭進行沉浸式文化體驗


交換生新生訓練在政大商學院國際大使(International Programs Ambassadors (IPAs))的用心安排下,透過一連串結合創意思維與文化介紹的活動,包含破冰遊戲、「開箱臺灣──處處都有驚喜」、「政治大學尋寶之旅」以及「政大校園生存寶典」,不但緩解了交換生們身在異鄉的緊張氛圍,同時也增進彼此情誼,更以令人印象深刻的方式,介紹臺灣生活和政大的校園文化,並提供各種實用資訊,也鼓勵交換生們應把握機會親自體驗臺灣的美好。

在歷經上午緊湊又豐富的新生訓練之後,一行人隨即展開宜蘭文化之旅,飽覽臺灣東北角的海岸風光,同時享用道地的臺式佳餚。來自泰國國立法政大學(Thammasat University Business School)的Yoonmimi Aung驚艷於臺灣美食的多元風味,更決定接下來的日子,要好好品嘗各種臺灣小吃。

吃飽喝足後,交換生們來到養魚場體驗乘船遊覽、餵魚、釣魚、釣蝦,更親自動手做出手工魚丸。來自斯洛維尼亞盧比安納大學經濟學院(University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business)的Larisa Rudman表示,搭船和釣魚的體驗相當新鮮有趣,是本趟文化之旅中最令他印象深刻的部分。另一個和「魚」相關的體驗,也讓不少交換生嘖嘖稱奇,在宜蘭必訪景點之一礁溪溫泉公園中,同學們一字排開,首次嘗試了遠近馳名的溫泉魚咬腳,有人躍躍欲試率先下水,有人則是既期待又怕受傷害,笑鬧之間度過了輕鬆的歡樂時光。

臺灣的夜市文化揚名國際,是許多外國訪客來臺必走的行程,本次交換生文化體驗自然不能少了羅東夜市,來自芬蘭漢肯經濟學院(Hanken School of Economics)的Emelie Åström,在夜市品嘗炸蛋和西瓜汁都相當喜愛,夜市的空氣中瀰漫各種食物香味,加上人聲鼎沸的歡樂氛圍,讓置身於其中的人們,都不禁受這股歡樂的氛圍影響而跟著愉悅。

商學院國際學生大使、目前就讀會計系一年級的林明琦(Lillian Lin)說,很高興能有機會代表政大,向交換生們推廣臺灣的文化及風土民情,經過一整天的互動,讓他自己也能夠用不一樣的視角,再次體驗宜蘭之美。同樣擔任國際學生大使企管系二年級的高婷薇(Alice Kao),對於本次活動也給予高度評價,不但感受到商學院在國際交流的用心,透過面對面的互動,也加深了臺灣學生和交換生的理解。

Exploring Taiwanese Culture: A Journey Through the 2024 Spring Exchange Students’ Orientation and Culture Tour

Exploring Taiwanese Culture: A Journey Through the 2024 Spring Exchange Students’ Orientation and Culture Tour

【Article by College of Commerce】
The Office of International Programs (OIP) welcomed exchange students to the 2024 Spring Exchange Students' Orientation and Culture Tour. Held at the Yuanta Lecture Hall in the Commerce Building on Saturday, February 17th, 2024, this event served as a gateway for students to immerse themselves in the vibrant tapestry of Taiwanese culture while getting acquainted with the academic landscape of National Chengchi University (NCCU).
The day commenced with an interactive ice-breaking session facilitated by International Programs Ambassadors (IPAs), Vanessa Huang 黃以晴 and William Zhong 鍾明軒, setting the tone for a day filled with camaraderie and cultural exploration. Through engaging activities and team-building exercises, students had the opportunity to forge connections with their peers from diverse backgrounds. Laughter and excitement filled the room as students participated in guessing games and teamwork challenges, fostering a sense of belonging and community among the attendees.
Following the ice-breaking session, students were treated to an insightful presentation titled “Taiwan Unboxed – Surprises Around Every Corner,” led by Alice Kao高婷薇 and William Zhong鍾明軒, International Program Ambassadors. The presentation offered a fascinating glimpse into the multifaceted aspects of Taiwanese culture, from its picturesque landscapes and efficient transportation network to its mouthwatering cuisine and vibrant festivals. Emphasizing Taiwan’s commitment to safety, happiness, and its robust health insurance system, the session concluded with quizzes designed to test students’ knowledge and ignite their curiosity to explore Taiwan’s wonders further.
After a brief interlude for refreshments, students delved into a virtual treasure hunt guided by Janice Chiang姜馨 and Lynn Cheng鄭茜齡. Titled “A Treasure Hunt in NCCU,” this presentation took students on a journey to uncover the hidden gems of NCCU, highlighting its rich history, academic excellence, and abundant opportunities for student engagement. Through interactive sessions, students gained insights into NCCU College of Commerce (NCCUC) as a treasure trove of resources, global connections, and vibrant student life.
Vanessa Huang’s黃以晴 “Survival Guide for NCCUC Exchange Students” presentation provided invaluable insights to ensure a fulfilling and rewarding experience for all students. Covering essential topics such as course registration procedures, campus facilities, and practical tips for life in Taiwan, the presentation aimed to equip students with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate their academic journey smoothly.
The orientation session culminated with a Q&A session led by Cherry Huang黃千容, the Senior Manager of IEP. Cherry covered topics from registration procedures to campus life and safety measures. She also took the opportunity to introduce the IEP Team to the students, emphasizing their roles in supporting students throughout their exchange journey. Cherry’s insightful guidance and emphasis on prioritizing well-being resonated with students, empowering them to embrace the cultural richness of Taiwan while navigating their academic pursuits effectively.
Following the orientation session, students embarked on a guided campus tour led by the International Programs Ambassadors (IPAs). As they explored the campus of NCCU, students were introduced to various academic buildings, libraries, and recreational facilities, gaining a deeper understanding of the university’s vibrant academic community.
The cultural journey continued with an immersive trip to Yilan, offering students a firsthand experience of Taiwan’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty on the North East Coast of Taiwan. The adventure began with a sumptuous lunch at the Dawen Fish Farm Restaurant, where students indulged in an array of Taiwanese delicacies while soaking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Yoonmimi Aung from Thammasat University Business School (Thailand) described the lunch at the Dawen Fish Farm Restaurant as an amazing experience, particularly highlighting the diverse array of options available. This was due to the unique flavors, freshness of the food and the opportunity to taste a diverse selection of dishes, which contributed to a memorable lunch experience.
Following lunch, students embarked on a tour of the fish farm which included a boat tour, where they had the opportunity to feed the fishes, they had the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities such as fishing, shrimp catching, and even crafting their own fish balls under the guidance of experienced staff. Larisa Rudman, student from the University of Ljubljana School of Economics and Business (Slovenia), fondly recalls the boat tour and fishing as the most memorable and enjoyable highlights of the cultural excursion, as it provided her with a sense of adventure and fun, creating lasting memories of her cultural experience in Taiwan.
At Jiaoxi Hot Spring Park, the highlight of the cultural tour awaited, promising a blend of relaxation and novelty. Amidst the serene surroundings, students experienced the unique sensation of a fish pedicure, a practice where tiny fish gently nibble away dead skin cells from the feet, leaving them feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. As students gathered around the tranquil footbath ponds, a mix of emotions filled the air. Some couldn’t contain their laughter at the tickling sensation, while others hesitated, feeling shy about dipping their feet into the unknown. Yet, amidst the nervous giggles and hesitant smiles, there were those who displayed bravery, willingly enduring the unique sensation as the fish worked their magic.
As night fell, students ventured into the bustling Luodong Night Market, one of Taiwan’s largest and most vibrant night markets. Here, they immersed themselves in the lively atmosphere, sampling an array of street food delicacies, browsing through stalls selling local crafts and souvenirs, and experiencing the vibrant energy of Taiwanese street culture. Emelie Åström, student from Hanken School of Economics (Finland), shared her positive experience at the night market. She appreciated the wide variety of offerings available and particularly enjoyed indulging in fried eggs and watermelon juice. Emelie also admired the vibrant atmosphere of the night market, characterized by delightful food aromas and the joyful demeanor of fellow visitors.
Lillian Lin, a local student at the Department of Accounting student and International Program Ambassador, provided insight into the day’s activities. She described the experience as interactive and fulfilling, relishing the opportunity to educate international exchange students about Taiwan and answer their inquiries. Lillian also found enjoyment in exploring the night market with the students, showcasing renowned Taiwanese cuisine, and encouraging them to sample a diverse array of local delicacies.
Additionally, Alice Kao高婷薇, an International Programs Ambassador, shared insights on the effectiveness of the orientation session and cultural tour. According to Alice, the orientation serves as an effective means for exchange students to familiarize themselves with NCCUC’s administration and campus environment, offering them the opportunity for direct interaction and clarification of queries. Regarding the cultural tour, she emphasized the significance of the cultural tour as a means for exchange students to gain exposure to local culture alongside their Taiwanese peers, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.
The 2024 Spring Exchange Students’ Orientation and Culture Tour provided students with a gateway to explore the rich tapestry of Taiwanese culture while acquainting themselves with the academic landscape of NCCU. Through engaging presentations, interactive activities, and immersive cultural experiences, students gained invaluable insights and forged meaningful connections, laying the foundation for a rewarding exchange experience in Taiwan.
Beaming with excitement: 2024 Spring International Exchange Students gather for a group photo following an engaging and informative orientation session.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Cherry Huang, Senior Manager of the International Exchange Programs, warmly introduced the dedicated staff members of the Programs Team.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Exploring NCCU: International exchange students led by an IPA Yuki Yang embarked on a captivating campus tour, discovering the vibrant academic and cultural landscape of NCCU.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Immersed in Taiwanese culture: Exchange students basked in the vibrant ambiance of the Dawen Fish Farm in Yilan, savoring the delights of traditional dishes and bonding over memorable experiences.(Photo by College of Commerce)
An exchange student beaming with pride as he proudly displays his impressive catch during the fishing activity.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Indulging in the unique sensation of a fish pedicure, students experienced the wonders of natural exfoliation.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of Luodong Night Market, students relished their visit to this bustling Yilan destination.(Photo by College of Commerce)
EMI課程為教學發展趨勢 商學院工作坊分享如何掌握授課精髓

EMI課程為教學發展趨勢 商學院工作坊分享如何掌握授課精髓

國立政治大學商學院1月12日於院內六樓義育廳舉辦「商學院教師成長工作坊:掌握EMI教學精髓」,由商學院參與式教學與研究發展辦公室與EMI/ETP 辦公室合辦,邀請本校企業管理學系林月雲名譽教授、風險管理與保險學系許永明教授及曾毓英助理教授 ,分享全英語授課技巧,透過老師們自身豐富的教學經驗,以精進教師全英語授課能力與提升教學成效。




Navigating the Economic Landscape: Insights from the NCCU IMBA Alumni Association Economic Outlook 2024 at Illume Taipei

Navigating the Economic Landscape: Insights from the NCCU IMBA Alumni Association Economic Outlook 2024 at Illume Taipei

Illume Taipei recently played host to a gathering of IMBA Alumni at the NCCU IMBA Alumni Association's Economic Outlook 2024 event. The illustrious venue set the stage for an evening of camaraderie, knowledge-sharing, and forward-thinking discussions. The event, which was well organized, unfolded seamlessly. The evening began with registration, then dinner, and networking with a crescendo that was the series of presentations from distinguished speakers. Alumni from various corners of the globe converged, setting the atmosphere abuzz with delightful conversations, smiles, and an overall energy of optimism.

The formal segment commenced punctually at 7:30 pm, with IMBAA President, Mr. Yen-lan Lin, extending a warm welcome. In his opening remarks, Mr. Lin addressed the challenges posed by the global pandemic over the past few years, acknowledging the subdued interactions within the alumni community during this period. However, he exuded confidence about a return to normalcy, proclaiming a year brimming with events and activities. The President introduced the newly appointed alumni board members, emphasizing the association's commitment to fostering connections between present students and alumni. A call to action resonated through the hall as Mr. Lin urged alumni to contribute to the association, not just with their presence but through financial support as well.

An exciting announcement followed as Mr. Lin revealed that information for 30 founding members had already been collected, paving the way for formal establishment. The collected data would be submitted to establish IMBAA officially, ensuring that future donations could be tax-deductible. The president outlined plans for quarterly activities, hinting at the next event scheduled for May.

The academic segment commenced with Professor Shari Shang of the Department of Management Information Systems introducing the first speaker, Professor Tse-Kang Leng. Professor Leng, versed in the area of Political Science, delved into the Global Economics and Political Outlook, with a focus on US-China-Taiwan relations.

Addressing an attentive audience, Professor Leng outlined key global challenges. The pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia War featured prominently, underscoring the intricate interplay between health crises and geopolitical conflicts. He highlighted the enduring significance of regime type and value systems and offered insights into a model of authoritarian capitalism. Globalization, often viewed through a lens of interconnectedness, was analyzed with caution, introducing the concept of weaponized interdependence.

As the topic shifted to China, Professor Leng explored risks and opportunities within the nation. The potential shrinkage of China's middle class, the penetration of party cells into the private sector, and the dual usage of technologies were meticulously dissected. The discussion delved into the challenges posed by local debts and the real estate market, the dynamics of talent flows, and the intricacies of central-local relationships.

The second speaker of the evening was Professor. Konrad Kwang-Leei Young, Founding Partner, Lead AgileX, Accelerator & Semiconductor Manufacturing International (SMIC) Independent Board Member, he presented the Global Semiconductor Industry Outlook and Trends. His narrative began by tracing the evolution of Taiwan's semiconductor industry, emphasizing its pivotal role in the global landscape. Dr. Young provided insights into the challenges faced by the industry, including geopolitical pressures and the complexities of global operations.

Delving into the specifics, Dr. Young highlighted Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company's (TSMC) continued dominance in the foundry business. He emphasized the increasing prominence of cloud and edge computation, signaling a transformative era in connectivity applications. Challenges such as geopolitical pressures and talent-related conflicts were dissected, offering a holistic understanding of the industry's trajectory.

Mr. George Kao, AP Senior Manager Coach at Siemens Digital Industry Software was the third speaker of the evening, captivating the audience with an exploration of the Global Software Industry Outlook. Delving into the world's top seven IT companies, he highlighted the pivotal role that software plays in driving their success. A notable highlight was his emphasis on the industry's robust projected growth rate of 5.2%, an indicator of its transformative potential.

Drawing inspiration from Jensen Huang's assertion that "Software is eating the world," Kao provided insights into the pervasive influence of software across diverse sectors. He skillfully navigated through the intricate landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), shedding light on China's fervent embrace of AI technologies. In doing so, Kao not only elucidated on the current dynamics but also forecasted a future where the symbiotic relationship between AI and software would spearhead a paradigm shift in various industries.

Within the AI realm, Kao delved into the specific realm of Chat GPT, underscoring its pivotal role in the evolving landscape. His discourse intricately unfolded the responsive capabilities of Chat GPT in the context of AI, highlighting the escalating demand for AI-powered solutions encompassing machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

George Kao's presentation not only served as a comprehensive snapshot of the current state of the software industry but also provided a glimpse into the exciting trajectory it is set to follow. His detailed analysis, coupled with strategic foresight, added depth to the understanding of how the evolving landscape of AI and software promises to revolutionize our digital future.

Closing the series of expert presentations was Ms. Judy Huang, Regional Communications Head for Merck Electronics. Her speech on the Global Material Science Industry Outlook and Trends provided a deep dive into the history and contributions of Merck, a German company established in 1668.

Tracing Merck's evolution from a local pharmaceutical shop to a multinational giant, Ms. Huang highlighted the company's 355 years of history. Focusing on the material science industry, she detailed Merck's expertise in providing high-quality chemicals essential in the manufacturing of IC Chips. Notably, Merck's pivotal role in the discovery of liquid crystals, a technological breakthrough that laid the foundation for modern electronic devices, was recounted.

She navigated through the intricate processes involved in chip manufacturing, particularly the trend toward 3D architecture and stacking, underscoring Merck's precise contributions. In addition, Ms. Judy Huang shed light on Taiwan's significant role in the global semiconductor landscape, underscoring that Taiwan remains the largest semiconductor materials market worldwide. This insightful observation further emphasized the island's pivotal position in the semiconductor supply chain, solidifying its influence on the international stage.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Huang synthesized key takeaways. She stressed that technology trends like AI, machine learning, and autonomous driving would continue to propel industry growth. Semiconductor materials, she emphasized, play a pivotal role in enabling next-generation chip technology. The application of AI and machine learning in accelerating research and development, enhancing quality, and addressing sustainability concerns was highlighted. Importantly, Ms. Huang called for industry collaboration to tackle global climate change, positioning materials as catalysts for innovation.

As each speaker concluded their presentation, the audience had the opportunity to pose three questions to each, setting the stage for a robust and interactive panel discussion. The amalgamation of diverse perspectives, ranging from global politics and economics to semiconductor and software industries, provided a comprehensive understanding of the economic landscape.

The event concluded on a high note as a gift bag, a token of appreciation, was presented to each attendee. The gesture was made possible through the generosity of alumni contributors, including Caroline Wang, Ray Wang, Jim Wang, and Stacey Yang.

In closing, the IMBA Alumni Association expressed gratitude to all attendees, the organizing committee, the IMBA office, the speakers, and the alumni who contributed the gift bags. This gathering marked a milestone in fostering connections, illuminating the economic path ahead for NCCU IMBA alumni, and exemplifying the power of knowledge-sharing within a global alumni community. As the association eagerly looks forward to its next event in May, the resonance of insights and camaraderie from the Economic Outlook 2024 event will undoubtedly linger in the minds of attendees, serving as a beacon for future endeavors.
Attendees of the IMBAA Economic Outlook session capture a moment of happiness in a group photo.(Photo by College of Commerce)
IMBAA President Mr. Yen-lan Lin delivering the welcome remarks.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Insightful exchanges and lively discussions unfold during the panel session, epitomizing the collaborative spirit of the IMBAA Economic Outlook event.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Professor Konrad Kwang-Leei Young, sharing his wisdom on the future of the semiconductor industry at the IMBAA Economic Outlook event.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Alumni Francisco Lopez posing a thought provoking question to the panel.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Spread your wings, embrace the world – Welcome 38 new members to BGS NCCU Chapter

Spread your wings, embrace the world – Welcome 38 new members to BGS NCCU Chapter

On December 19, 2023, the Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) NCCU Chapter, held its 16th member induction and certification ceremony at the I-Yu Hall on the 6th floor of the College of Commerce. A total of 38 new members from various departments within the College of Commerce were certified as new BGS members during this ceremony.

Beta Gamma Sigma is an internationally recognized honor society accredited by AACSB. To qualify for membership, students must rank in the top 10% of their undergraduate class, or the top 20% of their graduate class. Since the establishment of the NCCU Chapter in 2008, 532 outstanding students from the College of Commerce have been invited to join the society.

Among the 38 new members this year, Yi-Xiang Kao from the Department of Business Administration expressed that the certification is an important recognition of his efforts over the past two years at NCCU. He believes it will bring richer resources and connections to his international network. Chih-Hung Wang from the Department of Accounting shared that besides seeing the honor as a validation for his dedicated studies, he also plans to pursue graduate studies in the United States and hopes that being a BGS member will provide more opportunities to build international connections and enrich his resume. Yun Lo, an MBA student, stated that the motivation for joining is to internationalize her resume and hopes to leverage BGS resources for networking and finding a fulfilling job.

After the Introduction of the Beta Gamma Sigma NCCU Chapter by Associate Dean Yenn-Ru Chen of the College of Commerce, Dean Jia-Chi Huang presented certificates to the new members and led them in pledging to uphold the BGS principles. Dean Huang encouraged the new members, acknowledged their academic achievements at the College of Commerce, and emphasized the importance of internationalization and global mobility in career development. He expressed the hope that students would use the various resources provided by the College, such as exchange programs, collaboration opportunities, international exchanges, and short-term visits, to quickly connect with the international business environment and broaden their career perspectives.

Dean Huang also urged students to integrate the BGS core values of "Honor, Wisdom, and Zeal" with the college's core values, establishing a diverse network through internationalization and innovation. In conclusion. He wished everyone a successful career development and reminded them to maintain good health, as it is capital for future endeavors.

Associate Dean Chen randomly invited members to share their expectations for obtaining resources from BGS and how they will contribute to the chapter's honor. Students expressed their commitment to maintaining excellent academic performance, pursuing further studies domestically or internationally, and expanding their careers with international perspectives. Associate Dean Chen reminded everyone to uphold the belief that "There is no limitation and there is no impossibility." She encouraged everyone, as members of the international honor society BGS, to boldly pursue anything they desire and not be constrained by the environment. She hoped that all members would courageously pursue their dreams, showcase their excellence, and pass on these qualities to the next generation.

Finally, the 2023 BGS induction ceremony concluded with a group photo of all new members and mentors. Congratulations to the 38 new members!"
Dean of College of Commerce, Jia-Chi, Huang (商學院黃家齊院長) expected the new members to excel and contribute to NCCU and society.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Associate Dean of College of Commerce, Yenn-Ru, Chen, (商學院陳嬿如副院長) encouraged new members that there is no limitation and there is no impossibility.(Photo by College of Commerce)
Carol Vindel, an IMBA student from Honduras encouraged students hoping to join the BSG society to try their best, “Be dedicated to your studies, take the time and you will definitely get there.”(Photo by College of Commerce)
Newly inducted members of BGS NCCU Chapter 2023 group photo.(Photo by College of Commerce)